U.S. Gives Israel Advanced Weapons to Delay War with Iran

March 8th, 2012

Via: AFP:

THE US offered Israel advanced weaponry in return for it committing not to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities this year, according to an Israeli report last night.

Citing unnamed Western diplomats and intelligence sources, the report in the Maariv daily said that during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington this week, the US administration offered to supply Israel with advanced bunker-busting bombs and long-range refuelling planes.

In return, Israel would agree to put off a possible attack on Iran until next year, after the US elections in November.

The issue of Iran was top of the agenda at talks between Mr Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama in Washington this week. The US and Israel are at odds over just how immediate the Iranian threat is. Mr Netanyahu said on Monday that sanctions against Iran had not worked, and “none of us can afford to wait much longer”.

A key difference between Washington and Israel has emerged on the timeline available for a strike against Iran, with the Jewish state warning that the weaponry available to it gives it a shorter window for action.

In response, the report said, the US administration offered to give Israel weapons and material that could extend its window to act against Iran. In particular, it would offer bunker-busting bombs more powerful than those currently possessed by Israel, which could target Iranian facilities even under rock.

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4 Responses to “U.S. Gives Israel Advanced Weapons to Delay War with Iran”

  1. ENERGYMAN says:

    Yeah, I gave Jeffery Dahmer a cookbook back in the day to slow him down.

  2. alvinroast says:

    The old Arms for hostages/Iran-Contra trade. That always works out well.

  3. prov6yahoo says:

    This is funny/brilliant/amazing – they give Israel the weapons they need to obliterate Iran’s nuclear program, and are able to spin it as a peace concession. Of course Israel prolly needs about a year to prep anyway.

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