OTP22: Calling the ‘Beautiful Minds’ of Cryptogon

January 16th, 2013

I’m pretty sure that OTP22 is an alternate reality game.

But, who is running this and why?

This query isn’t directed to those of you who bathe regularly and/or talk to other humans in meat space more than once every few days. You guys will just be wasting your time.

4 Responses to “OTP22: Calling the ‘Beautiful Minds’ of Cryptogon”

  1. williamspd says:

    Thought this was some subtle pre-pub for a new Half-Life episode or major release, just from the orange & lambda clues. Probably one developed in conjunction with, or entirely by, a third party developer (or maybe even a fan group). BUT they are being curiously competent regarding keeping quiet about it – maybe an episode that got partially developed but then paused or ditched? There have been other ditched content episodes, but not with known ARG support fitting a form like this though.

  2. williamspd says:

    The second thing that crossed my mind was John Titor, and the whole ancient mainframe / ancient modem stuff.

  3. williamspd says:

    LOL now you made me look into it and deeper, damn rabbit holes. Now I think that it’s those DEFCON guys again, following up after Project Evil. Fraulein451 editing the wiki page at the start date of the whole thing just looks to suspicious, unless… like the HOPE hijack on the original Project Evil, someone is piggybacking off the Project Evil stuff again.

  4. Kevin says:

    The amount of effort that has been put into this, by both puppetmasters and players, is unbelieveable.

    I’m glad this thread was only 13 pages long when I found it… Or I’d still be there reading it:


    I wonder if this thing might be an ongoing job interview/recruitment effort…

    They seem to want to get valid phone numbers. MD guy requires them for callbacks.

    I don’t know if you’ve read this yet, but it’s one of my favorite parts so far:


    Dialing From A Blocked Number

    NA_Fury dialed from a blocked a number a few times. After a while it eventually started playing a “please deposit 5 cents” message. If he dropped a 5 cent redbox tone, it would accept it, ring a few times, then disco. Theory is that PM just set up a rule in his PBX to do that for blocked calls as opposed to forwarding it.

    Also, this chart is very good:


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