You know another con… uhh… organized… highly organized attack on the country.

April 27th, 2013

Let me know if there’s a dubstep remix of this.

Via: Youtube:

Research Credit: RP

2 Responses to “You know another con… uhh… organized… highly organized attack on the country.”

  1. pookie says:

    Jaysus, gawd. Isn’t there a word in some language for “laughing and puking at the same time”?

  2. MBerger47 says:

    I never thought of GWB as the “Comforter in Chief” but that is a very accurate description of what he did. Like Daddy who comforts us when we’re scared of the dark, GWB came on the TV to make us feel better about going to Disney World and the local malls again. Thank Jesus for GWB!

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