The Story of Your Enslavement

December 16th, 2013

It’s really The Story of Humanity’s Enslavement.

The piece ends with the following message: “Wake up. To see the farm is to leave it.”

Many of you might think something like, “That’s a bit of a parsimonious way to conclude. Now what? I get it, but I still have to show up to work tomorrow morning.”

There are probably a lot of ways to gain relative freedom in one’s life. For me, getting into a situation where I no longer had a bank’s or landlord’s boot on my neck is definitely up there among the most positive developments in my life. There are lots of other pressures, of course, but we’re much better off than most, despite having such a low income. My wife and I look out at what more normal people think they have to earn, and what they have to do to get that money, and pretty much recoil in horror. Most people can’t even pause to consider alternatives.

There is no leaving “the farm,” though. Not really. While I feel as though I have a lot more freedom in my life than others might, I’m tied into the same system as those of you sneaking a peak at Cryptogon on your phones while you’re stopped in traffic and breathing smog on the 405.

So, in reality, to see the farm is to realize that there are nicer parts of it than others, but it’s still the farm. And it’s always harvest time somewhere on this place.

This topic is very deep and very dark, and since we’re dealing in the visual medium, if have a couple of hours and you want a hint of what we’re all up against, check out Human Resources.

Via: Stefan Molyneux:

One Response to “The Story of Your Enslavement”

  1. Dennis says:

    ‘Brave New World’ and its distractions as a sugar-coating over ‘1984’ and its controls.

    Here’s the question: If the fear of death is the prime mover in this system of enslavement, and that fear is common to the farmer and the farmed, what is the means of liberation?

    More connected to this topic than might first appear:

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