German Journalist Udo Ulfkotte Admits Spreading CIA and BND Propaganda for Decades

October 8th, 2014

Via: Russia Today:

2 Responses to “German Journalist Udo Ulfkotte Admits Spreading CIA and BND Propaganda for Decades”

  1. Eileen says:

    I was on my way to shop at Amazon for my soup and listened to this. I know the world is run by the CIA. I would like to know however, how they (the Archons)have managed to gain control and rule the world. It must be kind of easy with their black budget and with all of the people in high places who worship at their feet lest they be murdered in airplane crashes, found hanging by a rope, or fallen off of a balcony. And woe to you if happen to be an Iranian. Someone’s got a burr up their ass on Iran that I guess won’t dislodge. What pity for them and the people of Iran. That this guy said he would die from a heart attack. Its sad. Very sad only.

  2. prov6yahoo says:

    Yep, the CIA is the “new” mafia. Well, since 1950 or so.

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