Christmas 2015—Why There Is No Peace On Earth

December 29th, 2015

Via: David Stockman’s Contra Corner:

In fact, the War Party entrenched in the nation’s capital is dedicated to economic interests and ideological perversions that guarantee perpetual war; they ensure endless waste on armaments and the inestimable death and human suffering that stems from 21st century high tech warfare and the terrorist blowback it inherently generates among those upon which the War Party inflicts its violent hegemony.

In a word, the real threat to peace circa 1990 was that Pax Americana would not go away quietly in the night.

In fact, during the past 25 years Imperial Washington has lost all memory that peace was ever possible at the end of the cold war. Today it is as feckless, misguided and bloodthirsty as were Berlin, Paris, St. Petersburg, Vienna and London in August 1914.

Research Credit: Pookie

One Response to “Christmas 2015—Why There Is No Peace On Earth”

  1. soothing hex says:

    Body of secrets, James Bamford, extract

    On the very day that East and West Germany were unified in the Federal Republic, security officials unveiled a new poster showing East German troops standing on the Berlin Wall. The caption was a menacing 1931 prediction by a Soviet official: the USSR would win a military victory over the capitalists by duping them with bogus peace overtures. Another poster shows Uncle Sam asleep under a tree while a skulking Soviet ogre prepares to take advantage.
    The posters prompted one NSA employee to question whether the campaign represents “a not-too-subtle form of political indoctrination in a format reminiscent of traditional Cold War propaganda.” Another complained that visitors to NSA “must find them surreal.”

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