Gingrich: Reexamine Freedom of Speech to Meet the Threat of Terrorism

November 29th, 2006

Would you like an order of freedom fries with that?

Via: Union Leader:

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism.

Gingrich, speaking at a Manchester awards banquet, said a “different set of rules” may be needed to reduce terrorists’ ability to use the Internet and free speech to recruit and get out their message.

2 Responses to “Gingrich: Reexamine Freedom of Speech to Meet the Threat of Terrorism”

  1. Mark says:

    Well this had to come sooner or later. I mean, the Constitution still exists but they might as well rip it up since nobody follows it anymore anyway….

  2. George Kenney says:

    “Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty.” Thomas Jefferson

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