From: "thenumerologist2004" Date: Mon Apr 5, 2004 9:54 pm Subject: The 9/11 Countdown and "Independence Day" The 9/11 Countdown And "Independence Day" This document will lay out the discovery of the "9/11 Countdown" and the similarities between the "9/11 Countdown" phenomenon and the movie "Independence Day" THE COUNTDOWN PHENOMENON ------------------------ First lets look at the date of the Madrid Train bombing; 3/11/2004 If you count the number of days BETWEEN 9/11/2001 and 3/11/2004 by starting from the very first second on 9/12/2001 and counting until you reach the last second of 3/10/2004, you end up with; 911 Days Here's how the days were added; 9/12/2001 -> 9/12/2003 = 730 Days 9/12/2003 -> 9/30/2003 = 18 Days October 2003 = 31 Days November 2003 = 30 Days December 2003 = 31 Days January 2004 = 31 Days February 2004 = 29 Days 3/01/2004 -> 3/11/2004 = 11 Days --------------------------------- 911 Days That discovery made several headlines on various news wires. What comes next will really shock people. According to a poster named Neuamerica on the forum, another discovery was made; "I didn't believe this one myself until I actually did the math. March 12th, 2004 (the day after the Spain attacks) until the end of the month = 20 days. There are 18 days before April 19th, 2004. 20 + 18 = 38 days (by the way, 3+8 = 11) Okay, 38 days = how many hours? 38 x24 ----- 912 total hours from March 12th until the last second of April 18th. Today, we "Spring Forward," and turn the clocks ahead one hour. Which means we must subtract 1 hour from our total. 912 - 1 = 911 " ----- Lets's double check this discovery to disprove the skeptics; 1 Day = 24 Hours Starting from a new countdown the day after the 3/11/2004 attacks and counting from the very first second of 3/12/2004 and the very last second of 3/31/2004 and counting from the very first second of 4/01/2004 to the very last second of 4/18/2004; 00:00 Hours 3/12/2004 -> 24:00 Hours 3/31/2004 = 20 Days 00:00 Hours 4/01/2004 -> 24:00 Hours 4/18/2004 = 18 Days --------------------------------------------------------- 38 Days 38 Days * 24 Hours = 912 Hours On 4/04/2004, Daylight Savings Time moved the clocks ahead 1 Hour and 1 Hour was lost; 912 Hours - 1 Hour Lost to Daylight Savings Time = 911 Hours 911 Hours is the amount of time between 00:00 Hours 3/12/2004 and 24:00 Hours 4/18/2004. So far we have the following cycles; 911 Days between the 9/11 Attacks and the 3/11 Attacks 911 Hours between the 3/11 Attacks and 4/19/2004 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF APRIL 19TH ------------------------------ April 19th, is a well known anniversary date for several tragedies throughout history; April 19th, 1775 - British troops fire on American colonists in Lexington, Massachusetts April 19th, 1943 - The Nazis burn the Warsaw Ghetto in order to exterminate the Jewish Resistance. April 19th, 1993 - The fiery end of the standoff between the FBI and the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. 81 people die in the inferno. April 19th, 1995 - The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City. Although other events have taken place on April 19th, another significant event takes place on April 19th, 2004; it is a double anniversary date for the tragedies in Waco and Oklahoma City. When we look backwards in time at the anniversaries of the Oklahoma City Bombing and the end of the Waco standoff, another piece of the disturbing "9/11 Countdown" pattern emerges; 4/19/1995 -> 4/19/2004 = 9 Years 4/19/1993 -> 4/19/2004 = 11 Years 9 Years/11 Years = 9/11 THE COUNTDOWN PHENOMENON CONTINUED ---------------------------------- So far we have found three instances of 9/11 tied into the time frames between 9/11/2001, 3/11/2004, 4/19/2004 as well as the double anniversary on April 19th. Yet another disturbing piece of the puzzle emerges when we count the number of minutes after 00:00 Hours 4/20/2004; 00:00 Hours -> 15:11 Hours = 911 Minutes 15 Hours * 60 Minutes = 900 Minutes 11 Minutes = 11 Minutes ----------------------------------- 911 Minutes 15:11 Hours on April 20th, 2004 is the equivalent of 3:11 PM if you subtract 12 Hours from 15:11 Hours; 15:11 Hours - 12:00 Hours = 3:11 PM If you notice, the numbers for the time 3:11 PM are analogous to the numbers in the date "3/11"; the date of the Madrid train bombings. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF APRIL 20TH ------------------------------ April 20th, 1889 - the birth date of Adolf Hitler. April 20th, 1999 - the Columbine Shootings which were carried out in Littleton, Colorado by two Columbine students on psychotrophic drugs who were obsessed with firearms and Adolf Hitler. THE RECYCLING COUNTDOWN ----------------------- Now we have three time windows established; 911 Days 911 Hours 911 Minutes As you can clearly see, there is a countdown that is recycling down to extinction. The countdown is a window of "911" while the length of the window is determined by the size of the decrements; days, hours minutes. THE "INDEPENDENCE DAY" CONNECTION --------------------------------- In 1996, a movie produced by Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin showed what would happen if the world were invaded by aliens who were bent on destroying the human race. The very first discovery that something was amiss about the aliens arrival came in the form of a "recycling countdown" discovered by one of the characters in the film named David Levinson, portrayed by actor Jeff Goldblum. David had discovered that the "recycling countdown" was interfering with satellite signals. At one point in the film, when David and his father were being evacuated with the President of the United States on the helicopter, Marine One, while the aliens were preparing to attack, a very interesting set of numbers appeared on David's laptop which was programmed to mark the progress of the aliens recycling countdown; 9:11:01 By changing the "colons" in the time to "forward slashes", you get the date of the 9/11 attacks; 9/11/01 If you take a copy of the movie "Independence Day"(DVD or VHS) and slow down the film to a frame by frame speed, for one frame you will see the time on the clock read "9:11:01". This was just the beginning of the coincidences between "Independence Day" and the terror attacks taking place on the "911 Countdown". COINCIDENCE #1 - THE PRESIDENT ------------------------------ In the movie, President Whitmore was a former fighter pilot who was badly slipping in the public opinion polls before the aliens attacked. In reality, President Bush was a former fighter pilot who was badly slipping in the public opinion polls before the 9/11 attacks took place. COINCIDENCE #2 - CASTING A SHADOW --------------------------------- In the movie as the alien ship arrived in New York, it cast a long shadow over the twin towers of the World Trade Center. In a later shot, the edge of the alien ship itself was seen hovering in the air toward the Towers. In reality, the terror attacks and the destruction of the World Trade Center cast a shadow on the memory of the Twin Towers, especially when it is seen in pictures or movies made before 9/11. The Twin Towers were attacked from the air on 9/11. COINCIDENCE #3 - FIRST TWO VISUALLY SHOCKING ARRIVALS ----------------------------------------------------- In the movie, the first two cities where we visually saw alien ships parked over buildings, which shocked everyone, was Washington D.C. and New York City. NOTE: No shots were shown of an alien ship parked over a building in L.A. until much later in the movie. In reality, the first two cities where we visually saw the beginnings of the terror attacks on buildings, which shocked everyone, was New York City and Washington D.C., a mirror image of the arrivals in "Independence Day". COINCIDENCE #4 - THREE DESTROYED TARGETS ---------------------------------------- In the movie, the three cities of New York, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles were destroyed. In reality, threats by "terrorists" have been reported in the mainstream media against New York, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles. COINCIDENCE #5 - FIRE/SMOKE CHANNELING THROUGH STREETS ------------------------------------------------------ In the movie, fire channeled through the streets of New York as aliens destroyed the city. In reality, smoke and dust channeled through the streets of New York as the World Trade Center towers imploded. COINCIDENCE #6 - THE WORLD COMES TOGETHER ----------------------------------------- In the movie, the worlds super powers come together to face the alien threat. In reality, the worlds super powers come together to face the "terrorist" threat. COINCIDENCE #7 - THE RECYCLING COUNTDOWN ---------------------------------------- In the movie, the discovery of a recycling countdown indicated an impending, massive attack when the countdown ran out. In reality, the discovery of a recycling countdown related to the 9/11 & 3/11 attacks as well as April 19th & 20th indicates the possibility an impending, massive attack when the countdown runs out at 3:11 PM, April 20th, 2004. COINCIDENCE #8 - PORTRAYAL OF THE VILLAINS ------------------------------------------ In the movie, the aliens are shown as evil monsters who want to kill us all. In reality, the "terrorists" are shown in the mainstream media as evil monsters who want to kill us all. COINCIDENCE #9 - LOCATION OF THE VILLAINS ----------------------------------------- In the movie, the aliens live in huge steel motherships the size of mountains with corridors the size of caves. In reality, the terrorists are shown in the mainstream media as living in steel bunkers inside caves within mountains. ===== As you can see, the coincidences begin piling up, which imply that the "9/11 Countdown" and the related terrorist attacks are loosely paralleling key points in the storyline of "Independence Day". EXTRAPOLATING POSSIBILITIES FOR APRIL 19TH AND 20TH --------------------------------------------------- In order to extrapolate possibilities for April 19th and 20th, we have to understand who the players in the "9/11 Countdown" really are. GEORGE W. BUSH -------------- As a member of Skull&Bones, a secret society with Germanic origins formed by an opium smuggling branch of the Bavarian Illuminati called the Russell Trust in 1832, George W. Bush is a stage managed servant of the Illuminati who as the current President implements sovereignty destroying actions such as leaving the U.S./Mexico border wide-open, implements Constitution destroying agendas such as the "Patriot Act" and helps the Illuminati stage massive terror attacks such as 9/11 by blocking the FBI from investigating the Bin Laden family by re-issuing Bill Clinton's FBI order "W199I". These actions have been carried out in order to facilitate the Illuminati's quest for world domination. The quest for world domination is called the "New World Order". As you will see, other members of the Bush Family have participated in carrying out agendas for their Illuminati masters. Prescott Bush, George W.'s grandfather, funded Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Nazi Germany through a bank called Brown Brothers Harriman and a company called Thyssen Steel. Hitler was a member of the Thule Society, a Germanic secret society with connections to Skull&Bones and is also a descendant of previous Illuminati orders. Hitler's presence in the world is still celebrated by members of Skull&Bones who eat meals off of Hitler's silverware and display Nazi flags inside the Skull&Bones tomb at Yale University. George Herbert Walker Bush, George W.'s father, while as the head of the CIA funded(along with his predecessors Allen Dulles and Richard Helms) the rise of Saddam Hussein and his Baath Party in Iraq as CIA assets. During the Reagan Administration, George H.W. Bush facilitated arms sales to Saddam Hussein with the help of the current Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld during the Iran/Iraq war as part of the Iran/Contra scandal. Another despotic character funded and trained to be a CIA asset during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980's, was none other than Osama Bin Laden. OSAMA BIN LADEN & AL-QAEDA -------------------------- Trained by the CIA to fight the Soviet Union, Osama Bin Laden and his group Al-Qaeda became a valuable asset, especially to those who would carry out the agenda of the Illuminati. Since the 1970's, the Bush Families and Bin Laden families have known each other through the oil business. George Herbert Walker Bush and Osama Bin Laden have money invested in an international financial conglomerate called the Carlyle Group. George W. Bush and one of Osama Bin Laden's brothers, Salem Bin Laden, owned an airport together in Houston. Salem conveniently died a few years later in a suspicious plane crash. With strong ties to the Bush Family, the CIA asset Bin Laden would be very useful to carry out the agenda of the Illuminati, especially when staging terrorist attacks so key American politicians, under the influence of the Illuminati via secret societies, could use the attacks as a pretext to destroy civil liberties and destroy America's sovereignty as a nation. Bin Laden has been linked to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996, the bombing the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole off the coast of Yemen in 2000 and the 9/11 Attacks. Of course Bin Laden helped carry out these attacks to continue receiving favors from the Illuminati puppets, the Bush Family. According to White House sources of Alex Jones, a syndicated radio talk show host based in Austin, Texas, Osama Bin Laden died of kidney failure over two years ago, has been put on ice and is ready to be rolled out on cue for the mass media right before the 2004 election to ensure George W. Bush's re-election victory. In order to roll out Osama's body on cue, another huge terror attack would likely take place so Bush has the excuse to launch another war and supposedly "find" Bin Laden. === Now that we know the New World Order background of both George W. Bush and Osama Bin Laden as well as the coincidences between them and their counterparts in the movie "Independence Day", we can determine who they are playing in the scripted "9/11 Countdown"; President Bush = President Whitmore Osama & Al-Qaeda = The Aliens With these data points, we can now figure out the chronology of terror attacks in the real world leading up to the big finish at the end of the "9/11 Countdown" by linking them to key events in the movie "Independence Day". INCIDENT #1 - THE ARRIVAL ------------------------- The visual arrival and positioning of the alien motherships over buildings in Washington D.C. and New York in the movie "Independence" Day mirrors the arrival of the "terrorist" attacks in New York and Washington D.C. on 9/11. INCIDENT #2 - PRELUDE TO DESTRUCTION ------------------------------------- The destruction of the three helicopters that are sent to greet the aliens in "Independence Day" mirrors the Madrid Train bombings based on the ratio of helicopters compared to the number of personnel on board. Assuming the main helicopter with the signal lights had a crew of three, a pilot, a co-pilot and a technician(off screen) monitoring the signal lights, then the other two helicopters may have had crews of four which adds up to eleven military personnel on the helicopters. 3 Helicopters/11 Military Personnel = 3/11 = Date of Madrid Bombings INCIDENT #3 - OPENING UP ------------------------ The opening up of the aliens ships to reveal a "primary weapon", which is used to fire on buildings, could symbolically be linked to a possible attack on April 19th, the next link in the "9/11 Countdown" which opens up the proverbial "Pandora's Box". By taking into consideration that the next city destroyed off screen in the movie by the aliens after New York, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles was Chicago, we can surmise that a real world attack will take place on April 19th in Chicago. In this case, there is a reverse order mirroring taking place between the real world and "Independence Day", similar to the reverse order mirroring of New York and Washington D.C. outlined in Incident #1. Due to the recent sale of the Sears Tower to business partners of Larry Silverstein, who owned the World Trade Center before 9/11 and admitted on a 2002 PBS documentary that he ordered the demolition(pulling) of the perfectly imploded WTC 7, which implies that the perfectly imploded Towers 1 and 2 were "pulled", we can determine the Sears Tower will be "pulled" on April 19th, 2004 after a staged terror attack is designed to make it look like the "terrorists" destroyed the building. It's no accident the sale of the Sears Tower was publicly announced in the Chicago Sun Times newspaper on March 11th, 2004, the date of the Madrid Bombings. INCIDENT #4 - THE BIG FINISH ---------------------------- The big finish to the recycling countdown in "Independence Day" was the destruction of New York City, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles. According to the "9/11 Countdown" the next step is another possible attack at 3:11 PM on April 20th, Hitler's birthday. Since this is the end of the "9/11 Countdown", the big finish will likely take place on April 20th. The mainstream media has reported threats by the CIA-asset Al-Qaeda against New York, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles with nuclear weapons. The effects of nuclear explosions in these three cities would mirror the walls of fire racing down the streets in the movie "Independence Day". Why would New York, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles be targeted by the Nazi-supporting, Illuminati puppets such as the Bush Family to bring about the New World Order? Because of the fact those three cities have the highest populations of minorities and Jewish people; people who would be targeted by the Nazi sympathizing Illuminati puppets on Adolf Hitler's birthday as a "burning sacrifice". Minorities and Jewish people in New York, Washington D.C. and Los Angles face extermination by the Illuminati in accordance to "fire sacrifice" rituals carried out in Illuminati founded Germanic occult groups and Skull&Bones related groups such as Bohemian Grove which carries out mock human sacrifices in honor of a Babylonian Owl god named "Moloch". The quickest way for the Illuminati to exterminate millions of people in a fire sacrifice ritual would be by staging terror attacks which would detonate thermonuclear weapons in New York, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles on Hitler's birthday, April 20th, 2004 at 3:11 PM. ====== ====== CONCLUSION ---------- If nuclear denotations are carried out in New York, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles, which will mirror the destruction of those three cities in "Independence Day", total martial law will be implemented according to comments made by General Tommy Franks in "Cigar Aficionado" magazine and the U.S. Constitution will be completely shredded by the Illuminati puppets controlling the U.S. Government who will happily rubber stamp legislation even worse than the "Patriot Act". In "Independence Day", the character David Levinson explained to his friend Marty that the arrival of the alien ships was like positioning pieces in a chess game. When the timing is right, they strike. After explaining the countdown was going to disappear, Marty asked what would happen next. David replied with one word; "Checkmate". By applying this analogy to the New World Order being carried out by the Illuminati, the staged terror attacks and the civil liberty destroying legislation they inspire as well as the tracking and tracing technology designed to monitor every move we make to "protect us from the terrorists", are the carefully positioned chess pieces that have been arranged by the Illuminati to destroy the United States of America as we know it. When the timing is right, like at 3:11 PM on April 20th, 2004, the Illuminati will carry out their big finish against America which will be symbolized by one word; "Checkmate". The staged terror attacks, which mirrors the series of events in the movie "Independence Day", are designed to turn the United States of America into a 21st Century version of Nazi Germany at the end of the "9/11 Countdown". It's up to us, the American people, to put a stop to the Illuminati's plans by widely exposing them. Send this to everyone you know.