Archive for the 'Rise of the Machines' Category

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Peak Prosperity: Whitney Webb Interview

February 1st, 2024

Via: Peak Prosperity:

“Why would a corrupt government want chaos in the streets?”

January 31st, 2024

Not bad. I asked Grok “Why would a corrupt government want chaos in the streets?” Here is the response and I believe absolutely correct! ?? — CarlaSue (@SuzieSeeksTruth) January 31, 2024

AI Companies Will Be Required to Report Safety Tests to U.S. Government

January 30th, 2024

I feel safer already! Via: Time: The Biden Administration will start implementing a new requirement for the developers of major artificial intelligence systems to disclose their safety test results to the government. The White House AI Council is scheduled to meet Monday to review progress made on the executive order that President Joe Biden signed […]

Hugging Face and Google Partner for “Open” AI Collaboration

January 25th, 2024

Via: Hugging Face: At Hugging Face, we want to enable all companies to build their own AI, leveraging open models and open source technologies. Our goal is to build an open platform, making it easy for data scientists, machine learning engineers and developers to access the latest models from the community, and use them within […]

Meta Joins Rivals in Pursuit of Human-Level AI

January 19th, 2024

Flashback: Zuckerberg Mocked After Ridiculous, Cringe Inducing $10 Billion VR Boondoggle And now… Via: AFP: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday said his company is joining the pursuit of creating super artificial intelligence, putting it in a race with Microsoft-backed OpenAI and Google. Sometimes called artificial general intelligence or AGI, the goal, given in an […]

Drivers: We’ll Take Plain Dumb Car Over Flashy Data-Spilling Internet One, Thanks

January 15th, 2024

Via: Register: Despite all the buzz around internet-connected smart cars at this year’s CES in Las Vegas, most folks don’t want vehicle manufacturers sharing their personal data with third parties – and even say they’d consider buying an older or dumber car to protect their privacy and security. According to a survey of 2,000 Americans […]

Microsoft Starts Copilot at Windows Startup on Development Builds

January 15th, 2024

I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that it would be a bad idea to use a system with this AI running in the background. Apparently, it can be turned off, for now. Via: Register: Microsoft is experimenting with having Copilot open automatically upon Windows startup. Described as a “Change and […]

The Global Project to Make a General Robotic Brain

January 13th, 2024

In short, researchers are creating a large training dataset from multiple robotics laboratories and robotic systems. All of the different robots performed better when using the multirobot training data than with training data gathered from the individual robots. I don’t know if this will result in the sort of quantum leap in robotics that happened […]

DJI FlyCart 30 Delivery Drone Can Carry 30KGs

January 12th, 2024

Via: DJI:

Microsoft Adding an AI Key to PC Keyboards

January 4th, 2024

Microsoft can pry my right CTRL key from my cold, dead fingers. Via: Ars Technica: Microsoft pushed throughout 2023 to add generative AI capabilities to its software, even extending its new Copilot AI assistant to Windows 10 late last year. Now, those efforts to transform PCs at a software level is extending to the hardware: […]

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