Archive for March, 2012

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Sally Fallon Morell Speaking Tour of New Zealand

March 24th, 2012

Update: Kim Hill Cancelled Interview at Last Minute – Sally Fallon Too Controversial Via: Weston A Price Foundation – Wellington: Sally was booked to do an interview on the Kim Hill show this morning at 11:15am. But we hear Kim Hill pulled the pin at the last moment because she said Sally was “too controversial” […]

Intelligence Community Can Keep Data On Americans With No Ties To Terrorism For Up To 5 Years

March 23rd, 2012

Via: AP: The U.S. intelligence community will now be able to store information about Americans with no ties to terrorism for up to five years under new Obama administration guidelines. Until now, the National Counterterrorism Center had to immediately destroy information about Americans that was already stored in other government databases when there were no […]

Google Gets Patent for Using Background Noise, Other Environmental Conditions, to Target Ads

March 23rd, 2012

Via: PC World: Google, on Tuesday, was awarded a patent for “advertising based on environmental conditions.” In other words, Google has patented the technique of using environmental factors gathered through a device’s sensors to target ads at users. “When determining what ads to serve to end users, the environmental factors can be used independently or […]

And Now… ‘Sarkozy: Jail Those Who Browse Terror Websites’

March 23rd, 2012

Via: AP: France’s president proposed a sweeping new law Thursday that would jail those who visit extremist web sites — one of several tough new measures floated in the wake of a murderous shooting spree. The proposed rules, unveiled by Nicolas Sarkozy after the death of an Islamist fanatic wanted for a horrifying series of […]

“‘Are you guys going to do a fill?’ And they just said, ‘No, we’re out.'”

March 22nd, 2012

This is a fascinating article about a guy who cleaned out millions of dollars from multiple casinos by playing blackjack WITHOUT counting cards. Even if you’re not interested in how Don Johnson did it, the look on his face in the picture at the top is worth the clickthrough. Via: The Atlantic: So how did […]

Employers Asking for Passwords to Employees’ Facebook Accounts

March 22nd, 2012

Update: Facebook Might Sue Employers That Do This Via: TPM: In response to a deluge of news reports that employers, including public sector organizations, are increasingly forcing employees and prospective hires to turn over their Facebook login information (or have people login and allow supervisors to look at profiles), Facebook itself has decided to weigh-in […]

After Massacre, Army Tried to Delete Accused Shooter from the Internet

March 22nd, 2012

Via: Wired: The military waited six days before releasing the name of a U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians earlier this month. One of the reasons for the somewhat unusual delay: to give the military enough time to erase the sergeant from the internet — or at least try […]

Australia: Greens Attempt to Access Government’s Secret Discussions On Internet Piracy

March 22nd, 2012

Via: Delimiter: The Australian Greens have filed a motion in the Senate requesting that the Government release documents regarding its closed door meetings on Internet piracy which the Attorney-General’s Department has blocked from being released under Freedom of Information laws. On 8 February this year, major Australian ISPs sat down with the representatives of the […]

‘Effective World Government Will Be Needed to Stave Off Climate Catastrophe’

March 22nd, 2012

Mmm hmm. Via: Scientific American: To be effective, a new set of institutions would have to be imbued with heavy-handed, transnational enforcement powers. There would have to be consideration of some way of embracing head-in-the-cloud answers to social problems that are usually dismissed by policymakers as academic naivete. In principle, species-wide alteration in basic human […]

What’s Happening in Clintonville, Wisconsin?

March 22nd, 2012

Update: Rumbles, Booms Rattle Clintonville Again Via: Green Bay Press Gazette: Geological officials said Wednesday they are considering putting a seismometer in Clintonville, where a small earthquake was recorded last week after strong booms and rumblings shook residents once again. Clintonville police received 65 calls between 10:35 p.m. and 11:40 p.m. Tuesday and another 19 […]

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