Archive for September, 2012

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Scientists Warn That GM Wheat Could Cause Extremely Dangerous Gene Silencing Effects in Humans

September 21st, 2012

Via: Safe Food Foundation: Expert scientists warn that genetically modified wheat may cause Glycogen Storage Disease IV, resulting in an enlarged liver, cirrhosis of the liver, and failure to thrive. Children born with this disease usually die at about the age of 5. Australia is on track to be the first country in the world […]

Italy Upholds Convictions of 23 CIA Operatives in Absentia

September 21st, 2012

Via: AFP: Italy’s highest court confirmed the guilty verdicts Wednesday of 23 CIA agents tried in absentia for the 2003 abduction of Egyptian imam Osama Mustafa Hassan in Milan. The United States has already refused to extradite the agents. Italy’s top court Wednesday confirmed guilty verdicts against 23 CIA agents for the 2003 abduction of […]

Working Qubit in Silicon

September 21st, 2012

Via: Register: The University of New South Wales’ School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications has created what it says is the world’s first working qubit based on a single atom. Detailed in a new Nature paper, A single-atom electron spin qubit in silicon, the qubit relies on the ability to impart “spin” to an electron […]

Mainstream Medicine and Corporate Media Admit: Pot Compound Has, ‘Ability to Turn Off the Activity of a Gene Responsible for Metastasis in Breast and Other Types of Cancers’

September 21st, 2012

Warning: No information that appears on Cryptogon should be considered medical advice. But what they won’t admit is that lots of people are already effectively treating themselves with concentrated hemp oil: Dennis Hill Talks About Curing His Stage IV Prostate Cancer with Cannabis Oil Cured Too, A Cancer Story By David Triplett More at […]

Multibillion-Dollar Fines Won’t Change Behavior of Criminal Pharmaceutical Companies

September 21st, 2012

“The pharmaceutical industry is the most lucrative, the most cynical and the least ethical of all the industries. It is like an octopus with tentacles that has infiltrated all the decision making bodies, world health organisations, governments, parliaments, high administrations in health and hospitals and the medical profession. It has done this with the connivance, […]

OPEC Countries Pouring Billions of Dollars Into Solar Power… To Export More Oil And Gas

September 21st, 2012

Via: Wall Street Journal: Middle Eastern members of OPEC are finally diversifying their energy base, pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into harnessing that other resource they feature in vast quantities: sunshine. But it isn’t what you think. The Saudis, Abu Dhabi and Iran aren’t racing to burnish their green credentials by reducing their carbon […]

For More And More Companies, The Hiring Boss Is An Algorithm

September 21st, 2012

Via: Wall Street Journal: When looking for workers to staff its call centers, Xerox Corp. used to pay lots of attention to applicants who had done the job before. Then, a computer program told the printer and outsourcing company that experience doesn’t matter. The software said that what does matter in a good call-center worker—one […]

NYSE Pays a Paltry $5 Million Fine for Giving Private Customers a Trading Head Start

September 20th, 2012

Via: IEEE: On Friday, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that it had administratively fined the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) $5 million (pdf) for allowing its private customers access to stock market information ahead of when it was available to the general public. This occurred from June 2008 to about mid-May 2010. […]

Rethink Robotics

September 20th, 2012

Via: IEEE: Whereas traditional industrial robots perform one specific task with superhuman speed and precision, Baxter is neither particularly fast nor particularly precise. But it excels at just about any job that involves picking stuff up and putting it down somewhere else while simultaneously adapting to changes in its environment, like a misplaced part or […]

Cryptogon Reader Signs Up for Hosting with BlueHost

September 20th, 2012

Thanks to the owner of for signing up for hosting with BlueHost. Cryptogon received a $90 commission.

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