Archive for December, 2013

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Saab Wins Brazil Jet Deal After NSA Spying Sours Boeing Bid

December 18th, 2013

Via: Reuters: Brazil awarded a $4.5 billion contract to Saab AB on Wednesday to replace its aging fleet of fighter jets, a surprise coup for the Swedish company after news of U.S. spying on Brazilians helped derail Boeing’s chances for the deal. The contract, negotiated over the course of three presidencies, will supply Brazil’s air […]

Who Owns the World’s Biggest Bitcoin Wallet? The FBI

December 18th, 2013

Via: Wired: Who owns the single largest Bitcoin wallet on the internet? The U.S. government. In September, the FBI shut down the Silk Road online drug marketplace, and it started seizing bitcoins belonging to the Dread Pirate Roberts — the operator of the illicit online marketplace, who they say is an American man named Ross […]

Woman Who Lives “Off the Grid” Threatened With Eviction – From Her Paid-For Home

December 18th, 2013

Via: Daily Sheeple: Robin Speronis, a Florida woman who lives off the grid, is being threatened with losing her home due to her “alternative lifestyle”. Last month, Robin’s story was featured on Fox 4 news in Florida. She does not have a refrigerator, oven, running water, or electricity.

No Matter How Hard You Try to Hide, This Professional Skip Tracer Will Find You

December 18th, 2013

Via: Wired: At 4’11” and just over 100 pounds, Michelle Gomez does not look like the sort of person you’d hire to retrieve earthmoving equipment stolen by a peruvian crime family. But in the summer of 2013, that’s exactly what she was doing. Gomez, the proprietor of a one-woman operation in Lockhart, Texas, called Unlimited […]

Facebook Can See What Users Type Even If Status Is Not Posted

December 18th, 2013

Via: Los Angeles Times: Facebook has said that it is within its terms of service to see what users are typing even when the status or comment is never posted on the social network. The Menlo Park, Calif., company confirmed that it can track users’ unpublished posts after two Facebook researchers disclosed that they had […]

Middlebrow Megachurch Infotainment: “We Need to Talk About TED”

December 18th, 2013

Via: Benjamin Bratton: In our culture, talking about the future is sometimes a polite way of saying things about the present that would otherwise be rude or risky. But have you ever wondered why so little of the future promised in TED talks actually happens? So much potential and enthusiasm, and so little actual change. […]

Most Ridiculous Government Honeypot Ever? “Meet The ‘Assassination Market’ Creator Who’s Crowdfunding Murder With Bitcoins”

December 18th, 2013

Via: Forbes: As Bitcoin becomes an increasingly popular form of digital cash, the cryptocurrency is being accepted in exchange for everything from socks to sushi to heroin. If one anarchist has his way, it’ll soon be used to buy murder, too. Last month I received an encrypted email from someone calling himself by the pseudonym […]

Japan Boosts Military Forces to Counter China

December 17th, 2013

Via: BBC: Japan’s cabinet has approved a new national security strategy and increased defence spending in a move widely seen as aimed at China. Over the next five years, Japan will buy hardware including drones, stealth aircraft and amphibious vehicles. The military will also build a new marine unit, an amphibious force capable of retaking […]

U.S. Weighing Closer Ties With Hardline Islamists in Syria

December 17th, 2013

Via: Foreign Policy: As the moderate faction of the Syrian rebellion implodes under the strain of vicious infighting and diminished resources, the United States is increasingly looking to hardline Islamists in its efforts to gain leverage in Syria’s civil war. The development has alarmed U.S. observers concerned that the radical Salafists do not share U.S. […]

The 6,000-Page Report on CIA Torture Has Now Been Suppressed for 1 Year

December 16th, 2013

Via: The Atlantic: It cost $40 million to produce, documents serious wrongdoing, and doesn’t threaten national security. Team Obama won’t release it.

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