Is New Zealand Earthquake Linked to the Mysterious Deaths of More than 100 Pilot Whales?

February 22nd, 2011

Via: Mirror:

Twitter was awash today with theories that the bizarre deaths of more than 100 stranded pilot whales in New Zealand may have been a warning that an earthquake was going to hit.

There have been TWO mass whale deaths on NZ’s South Island in less than three weeks.

In the latest bizarre incident on Sunday, less than 48 hours before the earthquake hit, a pod of whales beached themselves near Cavalier Creek on Stewart Island.

Discussing the earthquake and whale deaths on Twitter, Kate Redman ‘DolphinSeeker30’ asked: “could the stranding of 100 pilot whales be linked to the earthquake?”

CodeNameTanya tweeted: “Over a hundred pilot whales beached themselves in New Zealand and then the earthquake. Wonder if tectonic plate shifts confuse whales. Hmmm.”

VeganWheekers asked: “Could there be a connection between the 107 whales that died on New Zealand beach yesterday and today’s earthquake?” while TV New Zealand added: “has anyone noticed the correlation between beached whales and earthquakes?”

Following the discovery of 30 stranded pilot whales on the island earlier this month, RadioLive breakfast show host Marcus Lush tweeted that an earthquake “greater than five” would hit in the next week.

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