Request for Input from Cryptogon Astrologers

August 6th, 2011

Warning: This is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any financial instrument.

Friday morning, a Cryptogon reader, who happens to be an astrologer, emailed me with a strong warning about the markets next week. People are always sending me market related stuff about astrology, and, frankly, I have not found it to be actionable. This email, however, mentioned two particular days next week.

The reason I’m bringing this up is because the Cryptogon reader sent the warning email several hours before the news about the S&P credit rating downgrade of the U.S. came out.

Ok Cryptogon astrologers out there: Does your analysis indicate two days next week that could represent large down days for equities? If so, email me the two days that you think are worth watching. I’m curious to see if other astrologers are picking up the same day or days as the person who emailed me on Friday morning.

Update: Tuesday (August 9) and Wednesday (August 10) Are the Days

The initial warning from astrologer Mr. Roboto specifically mentioned Tuesday and Wednesday, August 9 and 10. As I wrote above, he sent this email to me before the big S&P news came out Friday evening. I wanted to see if other astrologers would independently mention Tuesday and Wednesday of the week ahead as days to watch for extreme market activity.

Let’s look at the responses that came in (independently of each other).

The first response was from Currently Anonymous, who directed me to a post on Market Jyotish that also warns about Tuesday and Wednesday:

The previous Uranus-Pluto square occurred in 1931-1932 at the height of the depression and the beginning of Nazi Germany and FDR’s New Deal in the US. Fast-moving Mars is currently activating this pattern so we should expect more chaos and uncertainty this week. I would not rule out a crash here, although governments may intervened to mitigate the damage so they may be able to prevent worst case scenarios. The alignment is closest on Tuesday and Wednesday so the first half of the week is perhaps more dangerous than the second half.

The second response was from DM who also mentioned Tuesday and Wednesday, based on her own analysis.

Additionally, she directed me to a post on MMA Cycles that, you guessed it, warns about Tuesday and Wednesday:

Mars will square Uranus and enter into opposition to Pluto next week, August 9-10 but its effects are felt even before. Those same two days, the Moon will be in Sagittarius (the “Sagittarius Factor, when markets often make big price moves).

Next, MA sees Wednesday or Thursday as the window, but adds that “everyone,” meaning other astrologers, I assume, would think it was Tuesday or Wednesday. I was not expecting to hear from someone who would give me a different window and also identify the days sent by “everyone” else.

Well, not quite everyone: Gilgamesh, the next astrologer to contact me, sees Thursday as the day to watch.

Carol picked Wednesday and Thursday.

Finally, DJ consulted a friend who’s an astrologer and that person thinks that the days to watch are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Conclusion: The majority of responses independently identified Tuesday and Wednesday as the days to watch.

Wow! Thanks so much to Mr. Roboto and to the other astrologers and readers who contacted me. It will be very interesting to see how this unfolds.

As long time readers know, I don’t pay much attention to predictions about specific dates. However, the timing of Mr. Roboto’s warning email, several hours before the S&P news hit, piqued my interest to the point where I couldn’t resist reaching out to the community to see if his days were on anyone else’s radar. The answer turned out to be definitely yes.

Update: One More

Eileen just sent a story from Nancy’s Starlight News, which is in-line with what has been posted already:

Although there is likely to be a significant amount of turmoil as the Market opens Monday, through around 11 AM, the biggest down day on Wall Street may turn out to be Wednesday, August 10, with Mercury semisquare to transiting Saturn and the Moon square to Saturn, both activating the current Saturn square to US Sun.

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