Sterling Allan Headed to South Africa to Check Out Free Energy Machine, Have One Sent Back to U.S. for Testing [???]

February 9th, 2012

Update: Allan Also Visited with Defkalion in Greece

A writer at PESN quit over the story below. Click through for the drama.

Via: PESN:

In the coming few weeks, they will be having at least seven different groups come in to test their device, beginning with the Greek government next week. The results from each group will be published. Each group will have 48 hours to test the device and a control to which they can compare it.

They showed me the experimental set-up — running, producing heat. It includes a control chamber and a reaction chamber. After the two are run simultaneously — one with the low energy nuclear reaction (aka cold fusion), and one without — showing that the LENR system produces at least 20 times more heat; they will then switch the reaction chambers, removing the nickel and hydrogen from one (cleaning it out to make sure there is no residual), and adding these ingredients to the other chamber, which previously was the “without” chamber; to show that the same data unfolds. They will also show that some gamma radiation comes from the reaction chamber of the LENR system, as evidence that a nuclear reaction of some kind is indeed taking place (though not on a dangerous level to those operating the test).

Each group coming in to perform these tests will be able to use their own measurement equipment. They have been given the specs of the types and sizes of probes needed. They will be given 48 hours to run their tests.

—End Update—

I’ll say this about Sterling: The guy is up for anything.

He has been taken in by scammers in the past, but he always gets back on his feet, dusts himself off and keeps going. I just hope he doesn’t wake up missing a kidney (or worse) on this one…

Good luck, Sterling.

Via: PESN:

Sterling Allan has been invited to South Africa to visit a company who claims to have developed a commercially-ready, solid-state, 5 kilowatt Fuel Free Generator that will be available as early as March for their existing customers. Sterling has also been offered to buy a system to test, with a money-back guarantee.

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