Dying Senior Scientist Talks About Area 51, Extraterrestrials, UFO’s & Anti-Gravity

October 29th, 2014

Video of blurry photos…

While the pictures amount to a hill of beans, in my opinion, I doubt an old guy would make up something like this right before his death.

My guess is that he’s genuine, but that there is a COINTEL component at work here somewhere.

Via: Collective Evolution:

Not long before Boyd Bushman passed away on August 7, 2014, he agreed to be video recorded for a short documentary where he openly spoke about his personal experiences with Area 51, UFOs, aliens and anti-gravity ideas. (Video below)

Boyd Bushman was a retired Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin. He had an impressive forty year career where he was awarded many patents while working with defense contractors Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments and Lockheed Martin.

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