November Earnings

December 30th, 2012

Total earnings in November came to $1027.15.

Thanks to everyone who sent contributions and conducted business via Cryptogon’s affiliate links.

2 Responses to “November Earnings”

  1. neologiste says:

    i realize a comment is not the best way to bring this to your attention, but at least two websites i manage have been purchased via your affiliate link with bluehost and not mentioned here, which worries me – i am thinking you didn’t get the cash that was intended for you. i’ll try to remember to email you, or if you recall my email address, you can poke me about it.

    i love bluehost but this has been stressing me out because i always use your affiliate link when i set up sites…

  2. Kevin says:

    On very rare occasions, I make judgement calls to not link to domains that people have signed up with. I don’t want anyone’s business to suffer because someone noticed an association with Cryptogon. These are for VERY mainstream businesses that simply wouldn’t benefit (and would probably suffer) from being mentioned here.

    I’d be happy to link to them if they wanted me to. People will often email me and indicate that, while they are happy to support Cryptogon, they definitely don’t want me to mention their businesses; think doctors, lawyers, insurance agents, etc.

    When I do this, I acknowledge the signups simply as BlueHost in the Support Received area.

    As long as you clicked through to BlueHost from Cryptogon, the signup probably worked. If you want to email me the domains you signed up, I can look through the list and tell you if they counted.

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