Third Party Testing Of Rossi’s E-Cat: ‘Energy Was Produced In Decidedly Higher Quantities Than What May Be Gained From Any Conventional Source’

May 21st, 2013

Via: Giuseppe Levi, Evelyn Foschi, Torbjörn Hartman, Bo Höistad, Roland Pettersson, Lars Tegnér, Hanno Essén:

The two test measurements described in this text were conducted with the same methodology on two different devices: a first prototype, termed E-Cat HT, and a second one, resulting from technological improvements on the first, termed E-Cat HT2. Both have indicated heat production from an unknown reaction primed by heat from resistor coils. The results obtained indicate that energy was produced in decidedly higher quantities than what may be gained from any conventional source.

In any event, the results obtained place both devices several orders of magnitude outside the bounds of the Ragone plot region for chemical sources.

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3 Responses to “Third Party Testing Of Rossi’s E-Cat: ‘Energy Was Produced In Decidedly Higher Quantities Than What May Be Gained From Any Conventional Source’”

  1. steve holmes says:

    Time for a new electric furnace for the house….

  2. Kevin says:

    Man, you said it.

  3. I commented on the Forbes piece on this today:

    Let Rossi file proper patents on this thing, including the composition and nature of his special sauces: the “industrial trade secret waveform” and “industrial trade secret additive/catalyst”. Let him publish full engineering models of the device and instructions for its construction and operation. Let verification experiments be conducted using independently-constructed devices, in independent laboratories.

    Let Rossi make a trillion dollars, if he so wishes, if in fact this thing works the way it says on the packaging. And let him be remembered down the long passages of time as one of humanity’s greatest heroes.

    Until Rossi divulges his secret sauces, no science is being done here. His experiments cannot be independently repeated. Unfortunately, this places Rossi’s behavior (not necessarily his work) into the realm of pseudoscience.

    As Wolfgang Pauli said: This is not even wrong.

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