Google Glass-Like Headgear for Soldiers; And “Then You’ve Got the Issue of Distraction”

March 12th, 2014

Via: Mashable:

The American military may soon be filled with soldiers sporting Google Glass-like headgear that can measure distances, display 3D building layouts, transmit video from a drone and more, all on a glass display right in front of their eyes.

What they can’t do is ensure that the data stream doesn’t cut out or that someone can’t hack these helmets and steal drone footage. They need to know how much bandwidth it will take to transmit huge amounts of data to potentially hundreds of thousands of soldiers, how easily someone could block the transmission with a little electromagnetic interference, and how they can make sure the network is secure.

And “then you’ve got the issue of distraction,” Paul Wright, the business development lead for soldier systems at BAE Systems, told Mashable. “Whether the data is a distraction from the main task that a person is carrying out.”

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