Kenya: Catholic Doctors Claim WHO/UNICEF Tetanus Vaccine Is Part of a Population Reduction Program

November 10th, 2014

Let’s ask the medical doctors out there:

Is there a nothing-to-see-here explanation for five doses of “tetanus” vaccine containing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)?

Via: Matercare International:

“Let me authoritatively clarify the concerns raised by the Catholic Bishops on the just concluded tetanus vaccination by sharing extracts from the official position of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association as below; feel free to share the article:

Tetanus is an incurable disease that infects the body through broken skin or wounds. The umbilical cord stamp of newborn babies is a possible entry point and makes them especially susceptible. It is best prevented through immunization with the tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccine.

We would like to assure the public that the normal vaccines available in both public and faith based organization in this country are clean. Generally speaking, the faith based medical facilities give the same if not more vaccinations than public institutions.

Our concern and the subject of this discussion is the WHO/UNICEF sponsored tetanus immunization campaign launched last year in October ostensibly to eradicate neonatal tetanus. It is targeted at girls and women between the ages of 14 – 49 (child bearing age) and in 60 specific districts spread all around the country. The tetanus vaccine being used in this campaign has been imported into the country specifically for this purpose and bears a different batch number from the regular TT. So far, 3 doses have been given – the first in October 2013, the second in March 2014 and the third in October 2014. It is highly possible that there are two more doses to go.

Giving five doses of tetanus vaccination every 6 months is not usual or the recommended regime for tetanus vaccination. The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone – Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992.

When tetanus is laced with HCG and administered in five doses every 6 months, the woman develops antibodies against both the tetanus and the HCG in 2 – 3 years after the last injection. Once a mother develops antibodies against HCG, she rejects any pregnancy as soon as it starts growing in her womb thus causing repeated abortions and subsequent sterility.

WHO conducted massive vaccinations campaigns using the tetanus vaccine laced with HCG in Mexico in 1993 and Nicaragua and Philippines in 1994 ostensibly to eradicate neonatal tetanus. The campaign targeted women aged 14 – 49 years and each received a total of 5 injections.

What is downright immoral and evil is that the tetanus laced with HCG was given as a fertility regulating vaccine without disclosing its ‘contraceptive effect’ to the girls and the mothers. As far as they were concerned, they had gone for an innocent injection to prevent neonatal tetanus!

Considering the similarity of the WHO tetanus vaccination exercise in South American with the Kenyan camping and with the background knowledge of WHO’s underhand population control initiatives, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association brought the matter to the attention of the Bishops and together sort audience with the Ministry of Health with only one request; that the tetanus vaccine being used in this campaign be tested to ensure it was not laced with HCG before the 2nd round of immunizations in March. The Ministry of Health declined to have the vaccine tested.

With great difficulty, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association managed to access the tetanus vaccine used during the WHO immunization campaign in March 2014 and subjected them to testing. The unfortunate truth is that the vaccine was laced with HCG. This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This evidence was presented to the Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization but was ignored.

When challenged in South America in the early 1990’s about the tetanus vaccine used in their camping being laced with HCG, WHO brushed off the claims as unfounded and asked for proof. When proof was provided by the Catholic based bodies in those countries, WHO claimed that the other components of the vaccine production process may have caused false positive results. When pushed further, they accepted that a few vaccines may have been contaminated with HCG during the production process. However, HCG is not a component nor is it used in the production of any vaccine let alone tetanus! It was only after antibodies against HCG were demonstrated in the women who were immunized with the laced tetanus vaccine that the matter was sealed. The immunized women have suffered multiple abortions and some have remained sterile. Do we have to wait until this point before action is taken?

Though the Bishops are medically lay people, they have technical advisory teams of competent specialists from every discipline, including medicine. These teams are both local and international as the Catholic Church is global. The Catholic based and run health institutions form the largest private health network in the country and have been rendering medical services to Kenyans for over 100 years! Thus, when the Bishops speak on topical issue like the tetanus vaccination, they are talking from a point of knowledge and authority. It would be foolhardy to disregard their advice.

We have performed our moral and civic duty of speaking the truth and alerting the government and the people of Kenya. It is now up to each individual Kenyan to make an informed choice.

Kindly goggle “Fertility regulating vaccines”and “Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs?”for further insight.”

-Dr Wahome Ngare, Gynaecologist and Obstetrician

4 Responses to “Kenya: Catholic Doctors Claim WHO/UNICEF Tetanus Vaccine Is Part of a Population Reduction Program”

  1. mangrove says:

    Jon Rappoport, one of a very few who gets it about the Ebola hoax, has studied health issues for many years now. He’s got a piece out today on this tetanus vaccine story that’s got a lot more — many citations from published medical literature that clearly show this is about depopulation, full stop. As if there was ever any question. But some people may be new to this reality, so this is a great place to start:

    Depopulation vaccine in Kenya and beyond

    Incidentally, Rappoport was on James Tracy’s Real Politik show the other day, and it’s an excellent discussion — one of the best I’ve heard. Highly recommended.

    Anatomy of a Medical Hoax

    For anyone interested, I’m keeping track and posting the ongoing Ebola stories — the ones that aren’t simply parroting the lies and fear-mongering — at my forum:

    between | the | lines

  2. Eileen says:

    I wanted to cry when I read this article for a couple of reasons. First, I can’t believe the Catholic Church finally did something that redeems them (at least in my mind) from all of the molestation they condoned for so many years. And that this query into these vaccines came from them. Secondly, that Kevin posted this article and that Jon Rappoport had something to say about all of this. These things touched me.

    There are some really rabid sicko’s out there who think depopulation is an answer to something conjured up in their wild dream that they can actually “manage” the world and all of the people on it. I wish I knew who funds/contributes their “charitable” $$$ to the WHO. Imagine my shock if it was the Bill Gates (kill=them-off-with-vaccines) Foundation.

    @mangrove – I really like Jon Rappoport. A lot. Its pretty hard to get around that guy. He rocks.

  3. Mr. Marks says:

    The Catholic Church has only one purpose in mind in disclosing this, more Catholics, more drones, more victims.

  4. tal says:

    Here’s the best (and possibly the only) study of tetanus vaccination against neonatal tetanus which took place in Columbia in the 60s:

    A series of two or three tetanus booster shots, given six or more weeks apart before or during pregnancy, reduced neonatal tetanus by 98% in the tetanus vaccine group compared to the flu shot control group. The duration of the follow up in this trial was less than five years.

    So, 2 or 3 boosters and no HGC. This is also not the first time HGC has been found in 3rd world vaccines.

    Here is an excellent article on tetanus & the vaccine for people who are still worried for themselves or their children:

    Tetanus was the only vaccine I wavered on when my kids were young. Then I met someone whose brother had survived tetanus as a child and thought ‘huh’ since we were indoctrinated, as children, that tetanus was a death sentence.

    I knew that one of the regional anthroposophic doctors would still administer ONLY the tetanus vaccine (back when it was still available as a single injection) and thought I would wait until my children got involved with horses (if they ever did).

    They did. So, I took the oldest and enquired about the vaccination, only to be told he no longer administered even that one, saying even the tetanus vaccine (alone) caused more reactions than it was worth, that his own kids had spent their childhoods running barefoot around a farm, and that, should a tetanus infection develop, “any anthroposophical doctor could treat her with an injection of hyoscyamus”.

    Thus ended my brief flirtation with the idea of vaccination.

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