California Trio Accused of Running Rogue Masonic Police Force

May 7th, 2015

Via: BBC:

Three people have been charged in California with impersonating law enforcement officers after claiming to operate a police department with jurisdiction in 33 states.

They said they belonged to a group called the Masonic Fraternal Police Department, which they claimed dated back to the Knights Templar.

One of the trio is a junior aide to California’s attorney general.

Uniforms, weapons and vehicles were found in premises linked to the group.

Brandon Kiel – an aide to state Attorney General Kamala Harris – David Henry and Tonette Hayes were arrested on 30 April and released later that day.

“When asked what is the difference between the Masonic Fraternal Police Department and other Police Departments the answer is simple for us. We were here first!” the group’s website page reads. “We are born into this Organization, our bloodlines go deeper than an application.”

Los Angeles County sheriff’s spokeswoman Nicole Nishida told the Associated Press news agency that there were no indications that the group had carried out any law enforcement activities.

Research Credit: BP

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One Response to “California Trio Accused of Running Rogue Masonic Police Force”

  1. soothing hex says:

    Martin Short’s Inside the Brotherhood devotes twelve full chapters to Freemasonry & the British police. An investigation took place in the London Borough of Hackney that had the Craft reveal the identities and occupation of a few thousand of its members. Martin Short derived from this data that circa 1985, between 9 and 18 % of all English and Welsh policemen probably were Masons. It may also be of interest to note that several lodges are police-only : the Manor of St-James in London, the Watch and Ward in Kent, Sovereign’s Peace in Liverpool, and another one in Wales. Other structures such as the Metropolitan Police Masonic Association allow cops on the square to socialize.

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