U.S. Navy Launches Second Missile Off Southern California Coast

November 10th, 2015

Via: ABC News:

The Navy has confirmed a second missile launch that was like the one that caused so much alarm over the weekend.

Just before noon on Monday, the Navy conducted a Trident missile test off the Southern California coast.

When the first test was done on Saturday night, thousands of people saw a mysterious green light flash in the sky from San Diego to Ventura. That created quite a stir, and ABC7 got hundreds of calls in the newsroom from people anxious to know what it was.

Because the second launch was during the day, no pictures have been seen so far.

The tests were part of the Navy’s ongoing system evaluation test, and the missiles are not armed.

Related: Social Media Nightmare or Exactly What the Navy Wanted?

One Response to “U.S. Navy Launches Second Missile Off Southern California Coast”

  1. JWSmythe says:

    IMHO, I’m confident that the Navy did this test intentionally. As your second link says, if it had been farther out to sea, or a few hours earlier or later, it may have been missed.

    They got a lot of coverage, which might be for publicity, or it could be sabre rattling. I don’t know if any other nations have done anything similar recently.

    I found civilian references saying it could have been for China and Russia. They both already know what our capabilities are.

    It could have been for N. Korea, but I would have expected such a test to happen shortly after their satellite/ICBM launches a few years ago.

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