U.S. Presidential Election: Consider Increasing Readiness

October 28th, 2016

Say that your Doom Condition scale runs from 5 to 1, with 5 representing ‘Situation Normal’ to 1 representing flaming zombies wandering the streets, etc.

Even on the best of days, I keep my own DoomCon dial set to 4, because ‘Situation Normal’ looks pretty bad in many ways.

With the way the markets are behaving, and with the presidential election disaster right around the corner, I’d take it down another notch to DoomCon 3 for people in the U.S.

If you have a doomstead somewhere, it might not be bad idea to take a little vacation out there for the next couple of weeks.

Team Hillary running provocateurs and engaging in vote fraud indicates to me that they are willing to get this thing done by any means necessary.

Trump may accept defeat, or he may not.

And what if, by some miracle, Trump wins?!

Impossible, right?

See Professor Helmut Norpoth’s prediction:

A professor who developed a model which successfully predicted all but one presidential election result for the past 100 years has claimed Donald Trump will win the election.

Professor Helmut Norpoth, of New York’s SUNY Stony Brook University, said the Republican candidate was likely to triumph in two weeks time because he was the strongest candidate in the primaries.

The political scientist developed a model which, when applied retroactively, accurately predicted every presidential election since 1912 – with the exception of the 2000 election, when it said Democratic candidate Al Gore would win.

Mr Gore won the popular vote, but following a disputde result in Florida, George W Bush was awarded more votes in the Electoral College and thus won the election.

The model suggests that the candidate who performs better in their parties primary race will go on to win the presidency.

But I just can’t see Trump happening. I think it’s because I spent a lot of time in college learning about the the global order that emerged after World War 2, and the decades of atrocities that followed.

Hillary represents the crew behind all of that.

Are those people going to let a guy into power who wants to upset the apple cart? Get rid of NAFTA. Weaken NATO. Cut off the source of infinite cheap labor through the southern border. Mess with protected narcotics trafficking networks. On and on.

I don’t think so.

A reader suggested that maybe Trump could be allowed in right before They scuttle the ship, blaming the whole disaster on him.


That is a situation I had not thought of previously. Maybe, but I doubt it will happen because it’s just too hairy. Too many wildcards.

So, breaking it down, I think that there’s about a 60% chance that Hillary will be installed without any major short term problems.


I’d say that there’s a 40% chance of moderate social unrest and/or some other wildcard event within a two week window of the election.

There’s bad trouble ahead for the U.S., whether it’s Clinton or Trump, but let’s get through the next couple of weeks first.

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2 Responses to “U.S. Presidential Election: Consider Increasing Readiness”

  1. cryingfreeman says:

    Great post Kevin, worthy of going viral.

    I’ve been thinking along those lines a bit too and have resumed my prepping habit after a long hiatus.

    As for Trump winning, I would base its feasibility on what I believe is the Deep State’s war plan, i.e., to goad Russia into striking first so that they can play the victim card.

    Most of the conservative alternative media is too fixated on Hillary as a certain initiator of WW3 to notice the more obscure admissions from Pentagon staff in recent years pointing to the gameplan being the victim model. And for that to work, I feel a flag-waving populist like Trump would suit the Deep State’s WW3 plan far better than Hillary would. Assuming they still plan on playing the victim card, that is.

  2. quintanus says:

    This article has some information in it – What is the term.. projection, to describe when someone accuses others of what he is being called or is, himself: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/features/the-gops-stealth-war-against-voters-w435890

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