Strange WikiLeaks Tweets

February 11th, 2017

Via: Press for Truth:

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3 Responses to “Strange WikiLeaks Tweets”

  1. Dennis says:

    Going by the only comment I know of by Julian Assange on 9/11, it seems we’ll just have to wait and see.

    “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”

  2. cryingfreeman says:

    If Assange really said that about 9/11, I am disappointed. Maybe Assange is a limited hangout psyop himself.

  3. Eileen says:

    Find the cryptic nature of the tweets fascinating. All that gold! For whatever reason, was wondering about all that gold in the WTC the other day. @Cryinfreeman – I for one doubt that Assange is(or was)a limited hangout.

    In the quote Dennis provided above, Assange did not discuss the particulars as to what “false conspiracies people are distracted by re 9/11.” Think by putting up the pictures of Bradley, Manning and himself up – well, in my experience so far – not a one of them (that I know of) has brought erroneous information to our lights.
    Ha, wouldn’t it be hilarious to see emails from Silverstein, Cheney, and Bush I all wanting to meet with Hilary so they too could “gain access to Bill” so contribute to the “Clinton Foundation.” Har and sorry. Couldn’t help myself there.

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