United States Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner: Secret Trials for Terrorists

June 29th, 2007

The mask is off the maniac fascist Nazi loving liberals.

This is it. The sum of all fears. Total, overt fascism. A senior federal judge calling for warrantless surveillance and secret trials!

It will be interesting to see how many people will allow themselves to be taken alive, and how many won’t. My guess, based on everything I’ve seen, is that very few will resist, even at the very end.

If this thing could have gotten this far, there’s no reason why it can’t go all the way.

And They know it.

Americans paid for the camps, and, by the looks of things, many are going to spend their last days in them.

Via: The Australian:

A TOP-RANKING US judge has stunned a conference of Australian judges and barristers in Chicago by advocating secret trials for terrorists, more surveillance of Muslim populations across North America and an end to counter-terrorism efforts being “hog-tied” by the US constitution.

Judge Richard Posner, a supposedly liberal-leaning jurist regarded by many as a future US Supreme Court candidate, said traditional concepts of criminal justice were inadequate to deal with the terrorist threat and the US had “over-invested” in them.

His proposed “big brother” solutions flabbergasted delegates at the Australian Bar Association’s biennial conference, where David Hicks’s lawyer, Major Michael Mori, is to be awarded honorary life membership.

“We have to fight terrorism with our strengths, and our strengths evolve around technology, including the technology of surveillance,” said Justice Posner, a prolific legal scholar who sits on the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

“Are there terrorist plots that are at a formative stage among the large US Muslim community of two to three million people? In the 600,000 Canadian Muslim population, are there people planning attacks on the US?

“What we have to do is discover the extent of the terrorist threat to the US. There is a danger, and it demands a rethinking of some of our conventional views on the limits of national security measures.

“We should think of surveillance as preventative, not punitive. We should think of controls that have nothing to do with warrants or traditional criminal justice to prevent abuses.

Judge Posner said the US temper and culture could not sustain repeated terrorist attacks.

Melbourne QC Tim Tobin said it was a shock to hear such hard and isolationist positions coming from a judge known as a liberal thinker. While he was disturbed by the judge’s proposed crackdown on US and Canadian Muslims, he suspected the sentiment would be welcomed by the Howard Government.

10 Responses to “United States Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner: Secret Trials for Terrorists”

  1. Eileen says:

    Judge Posner,
    Blackwater Security Forces here.
    Yes, what do you want?
    Sir, we believe an alien Muslim monkey flew up your &utt and infected your brain!
    Yes, come with us sir, and do so quietly. We have ways of finding these things out.
    Oh my gawd, Really?
    Oh yes, we have heard things at Guatanamo you wouldn’t believe. We will find out what your US culture and temper have been infected with.
    Judge Posner’s visa:expired
    Judge Posner’s temper: very excitable
    Judge Posner’s whereabouts: no one needs to know

  2. robert says:

    I had to read his god awful book Law and Economics in law school, and now this. . .

  3. Eileen says:

    I hate to be a weenie but I think a Posner book is in the Amazon sidebar on this site.
    double yoi.
    The only Posner I knew of robbed Sharon Steel blind and also raided the pension fund.
    After all that, he had a street named after him for several years.
    Whereabouts of that signage is unknown.
    i always liked my economics prof’s – what the H happened to Posner?
    Probably too much cremora and sweet and low. It’s the chemicals, always the chemicals.

  4. Anonymous says:

    posner is a jew. and that he is BEFORE he is an american.

    and dont accuse me of being anti…, kevin. just have a look at what affects your (former ?) country and who are the people at the center of the phenomenon.

  5. 2much4me says:

    The new politics makes the right neo con the leaders and former moderate democrates are now conservative. The Scale of Justice is also affected. We might need a new Law to judge the Nations…Just a sec, I think I hear the knocking at the door.

  6. Posner already wrote:

    Not a Suicide Pact: The Constitution in a Time of National Emergency


    Posner, is by no stretch of the imagination, considered a “liberal” if that word even has any meaning. I have no idea why he would be referred to as “liberal-leaning” by this supposedly respectable source. As far as I know, he’s University of Chicago economic efficiency theory of judicial administration. He was “liberal” at one point, but then he did a complete flip-flop upon entering the real world, like a lot of law school graduates.

    He also has a blog up with another professor by the name of Becker.

    What you have to remember is that a lot of these academic types live in an academic propaganda bubble and thus buy into the notion of a real terrorist threat.

    However, keep in mind, that since people are easily duped and bought, “real” Muslim terrorists exist, they just never know for sure who they work for.

    Additionally, even “real” terrorists who are autonomous play right into the system’s hands. All of those donut-eating cops get transformed into macho heros as soon as some idiot detonates a bomb; and then the authoritarians and totalitarians use such things to take away even more freedoms. For them, its there wet dream fantasy come to life of finally being able to “save” everybody by controlling every thing that they do.

    Actually, I believe Athenian democracy collapsed because it became less free in response to perceived and real external and internal threats. Remember how they killed Socrates for “corrupting” the youth?

  7. Loveandlight says:

    I’m with Ozzy on this one. Liberals have some waking up to do for sure, but this guy would be verbally flayed to ribbons by the regular posters on the the liberal blog I used to frequent (the blogger who maintained it recently died, may he rest in peace). A phrase like “liberal-leaning” doesn’t suggest any sort of consistent commitment to core liberal principles.

  8. Former says:

    Anonymous, please go fuck yourself.

    The terrorist myth has grown to a truely scary degree. One backlash from American foreign intervention six years ago, *with no intervening attacks*, and these sorts of measures are considered reasonable by a man of his intellectual stature.

    If we were in a situation like the Israelies, suicide bombed regularly in public places, this would sound less insane. Still wrong, but less insane.

    The culture in Washington must be completely saturated with unjustified paranoia for a guy like Posner to advocate mass surveillance, of a specific ethnic group no less. Yikes.

  9. Former says:

    Sorry to double post, but good point about the psychology involved, ozzy.

  10. tmb says:

    In my opinion the evidence would show anyone familiar with Posner is familiar with the fact that he is an ego maniac and, like Alan Dershowitz who the evidence would show has an ego of like proportions, is an Israel firster as were/are many at the top of the food chain at the “Defense” Department – – many have dual citizenship with Israel and alot of our weapons systems end up over there for use on the Arab population. To me this explains completely such racist statements by Posner, he is no “liberal”.

    Unfortunately, in Israel, where there is a left and right, there is open debate allowed as to issues on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. In the USA if you do not fully support the rabid Likud Israeli right you are termed anti-semetic, in my opinion Dershowitz does this quite often as does the Anti-Defamation League, AIPAC etc – -correct me if I am wrong. Currently I believe the evidence shows that Dershowitz is trying to destroy the tenure chances of another jewish professor, whose mother was a Nazi death camp survivor, because that professor has the balls to disagree with the right wing Israeli line Amerikans are told to follow as to the Palestinian conflict and use of Israel of the “Holocaust” for political aims, by our completely controlled phoney mainstream media . . .

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