U.S. Military: Extend Citizenship to Foreigners for Service to American Empire

December 26th, 2006

Standard operating procedure for all empires…

I kinda wondered what the endgame was going to be for the illegal immigration situation in the U.S. (This ENDGAME just didn’t do it for me.) I’m not wondering anymore.

Isn’t it amazing how Their plans come together!?

I’d like to believe that immigrants wouldn’t fall for this scam, but, unfortunately, it has worked for thousands of years.

Via: Boston Globe:

The armed forces, already struggling to meet recruiting goals, are considering expanding the number of noncitizens in the ranks — including disputed proposals to open recruiting stations overseas and putting more immigrants on a faster track to US citizenship if they volunteer — according to Pentagon officials.

Foreign citizens serving in the US military is a highly charged issue, which could expose the Pentagon to criticism that it is essentially using mercenaries to defend the country. Other analysts voice concern that a large contingent of noncitizens under arms could jeopardize national security or reflect badly on Americans’ willingness to serve in uniform.

The idea of signing up foreigners who are seeking US citizenship is gaining traction as a way to address a critical need for the Pentagon, while fully absorbing some of the roughly one million immigrants that enter the United States legally each year.

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3 Responses to “U.S. Military: Extend Citizenship to Foreigners for Service to American Empire”

  1. Mark says:

    Actually this is nothing new, I think they’re just saying they’re considering opening up even more to foreigners.

    I knew a Chinese guy who was in the US Navy, and he had a Top Secret clearance too. They did make him renounce his Hong Kong passport supposedly. I also knew a Vietnamese guy, a refugee living in Cali.. he joined the US Navy so he could grab his citizenship. He served 4 years, and now he’s as American as the rest of us. If you actually walk around a U.S. Navy base nowadays, you’ll notice that the vast majority of the sailors are blacks from poor backgrounds, fillippinos (that got in due to a U.S. – Philippines agreement), various Asian nationalities, a lot of Hispanics/Mexicans, etc. The only whites you see are usually people trying to get money for their college, and some miscellaneous rednecks & hicks from small towns.

    The only traditional Americans you see nowadays are the officers, they’re almost all WASPS.

  2. Peregrino says:

    Any standing military is a mercenary military. The only non-mercenary military is a voluntarly military mobilized ad hoc to defend against invasion, and demobilized once the threat is past. A non-mercenary military may get paid, but they aren’t doing it to get paid. They are doing it to repulse invasion to preserve their right to live. On the other hand, standing military and conscription have been tools of empire since the beginning of empire in Egypt thousands of years ago. They are used routinely to invade, attack, conquer in behalf of the ruling minority of power-crazed freaks. Go ahead and “support the troops.” What you are really supporting is your own fucking in the ass by the ruling elite.

  3. fallout says:

    It worked for Rome, why not for the ‘New Rome’?

    I say that quite tongue in cheek, well aware of the fate of every empire the world has ever seen previously.

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