Computer-Controlled Swarm of Bacteria Builds Tiny Pyramid

March 26th, 2010

Via: IEEE:

Researchers at the NanoRobotics Laboratory of the École Polytechnique de Montréal, in Canada, are putting swarms of bacteria to work, using them to perform micro-manipulations and even propel microrobots.

Led by Professor Sylvain Martel, the researchers want to use flagellated bacteria to carry drugs into tumors, act as sensing agents for detecting pathogens, and operate micro-factories that could perform pharmacological and genetic tests.

They also want to use the bacteria as micro-workers for building things. Things like a tiny step pyramid.

The video below shows some 5000 bacteria moving like a swarm of little fish, working together to transport tiny epoxy bricks and assemble a pyramidal structure — all in 15 minutes. The video was presented at IROS last year, along with a wonderfully titled paper, “A Robotic Micro-Assembly Process Inspired By the Construction of the Ancient Pyramids and Relying on Several Thousands of Flagellated Bacteria Acting as Workers.”

The bacteria, of a type known as magnetotactic, contain structures called magnetosomes, which function as a compass. In the presence of a magnetic field, the magnetosomes induce a torque on the bacteria, making them swim according to the direction of the field. Place a magnetic field pointing right and the bacteria will move right. Switch the field to point left and the bacteria will follow suit.

Each bacterium has flagella capable of generating about 4 picoNewtons. It’s a very small amount of thrust force, but put thousands of bacteria to work together and they can move mountains. Well, micro mountains.

Several research groups are trying to develop MEMS devices that emulate the propulsion mechanisms of bacteria. Martel asks, Why mimic the bacteria when you can use the little things themselves?

Martel and his colleagues developed an electronic microcircuit that contains both the bacteria and an array of conductors that produce magnetic fields. By carefully controlling which conductors are active, the microcircuit can make the bacteria move in specific directions. A computer and an optical microscope provide a feedback loop, tracking the motion of the bacteria and adjusting the conductors to achieve the desired behavior.

In addition to pyramid building, Martel’s bacteria has done some other neat tricks, such as traveling through the bloodstreams of rats, steered by an MRI system, a la “Fantastic Voyage.”

One of their current projects is developing an autonomous bacterial microrobot. They plan to use standard CMOS processes to create a chip containing both electronics and bacteria. The bacteria would reside in micro-reservoirs designed to generate thrust. For control, small conductors inside each reservoir would produce magnetic fields.

Several of these microrobots could then be used to perform tasks collectively, perhaps one day swimming inside our bodies, delivering drugs, detecting disease, and fixing an organ here, a blood vessel there. Who knew bacteria could be good robots?

UPDATE: If you’re wondering which ancient pyramid inspired the researchers — and is shown in the video on the left bottom corner — it’s the Djoser step pyramid, in Egypt, which the researcher note was “an important, initial milestone in the history of man-made structures.”

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4 Responses to “Computer-Controlled Swarm of Bacteria Builds Tiny Pyramid”

  1. Zenc says:


    Most people fail to comprehend the impact that nanotechnology will have.

    If you think that botnets and script kiddies are dangerous, wait til you get a load of what nanotech will make possible.

    Nanotech may well be the Shklovsky-Sagan Doomsday type event which explains the Fermi Paradox.

    Race specific bio-weapons don’t have shit on nanotech for sheer destructive capability and seductiveness of use.

  2. jfreon says:

    I wonder if they need signed consent forms or labor contracts from the slave bacterium…

  3. Miraculix says:

    “Several of these microrobots could then be used to perform tasks collectively, perhaps one day swimming inside our bodies, delivering drugs, detecting disease, and fixing an organ here, a blood vessel there. Who knew bacteria could be good robots?”

    Well, Bechamp was aware that bacteria weren’t “bad” in the 19th Century, just for starters. Pasteur even admitted on his deathbed that Bechamp was correct; that the internal milieu was primary.

    However, such massive injections of ignorance are to be expected in an engineering “journal” (IEEE), as cross-disciplinary thought has never been looked upon highly by those with career advancement square in their gunsights.

    As for the implications of “nano-tech”, two words will suffice: DARK SIDE

    I also have a name for anyone who truly believes this class of technology is being developed for the betterment of mankind and all the usual Bernaysian hoo-ha spouted in the press by way of justifying the billions invested: Polyanna.

  4. soothing hex says:

    Reason why you should have a lab in the backyard.

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