Vatican Confirms Report of Sexual Abuse and Rape of Nuns by Priests in 23 Countries

March 29th, 2010

Via: Independent:

The Catholic Church in Rome made the extraordinary admission yesterday that it is aware priests from at least 23 countries have been sexually abusing nuns.

The Catholic Church in Rome made the extraordinary admission yesterday that it is aware priests from at least 23 countries have been sexually abusing nuns.

Most of the abuse has occurred in Africa, where priests vowed to celibacy, who previously sought out prostitutes, have preyed on nuns to avoid contracting the Aids virus.

Confidential Vatican reports obtained by the National Catholic Reporter, a weekly magazine in the US, have revealed that members of the Catholic clergy have been exploiting their financial and spiritual authority to gain sexual favours from nuns, particularly those from the Third World who are more likely to be culturally conditioned to be subservient to men.

The reports, some of which are recent and some of which have been in circulation for at least seven years, said that such priests had demanded sex in exchange for favours, such as certification to work in a given diocese.

In extreme instances, the priests had made nuns pregnant and then encouraged them to have abortions.

The US article was based on five documents, which senior women from religious orders and priests have presented to the Vatican over the past decade. They describe a particularly bad situation in Africa. In a continent devastated by Aids, nuns, along with early adolescent girls, are perceived by some as safe sexual targets. The reports said that the church authorities had done little to tackle the problem.

The Vatican reports cited countless cases of nuns forced to have sex with priests. Some were obliged to take the pill, others became pregnant and were encouraged to have abortions. In one case in which an African sister was forced to have an abortion, she died during the operation and her aggressor led the funeral mass. Another case involved 29 sisters from the same congregation who all became pregnant to priests in the diocese.

2 Responses to “Vatican Confirms Report of Sexual Abuse and Rape of Nuns by Priests in 23 Countries”

  1. Eileen says:

    And so the truth telling from the Vatican begins.I still have my first Holy Communion picture and in it, there is Father who was married and had a family. I that same picture is another priest, who went on to become a Bishop of our diocease (Byzantine Catholic) who died mysteriously in his sleep, shortly after he wrote several letters to Rome, stating that Priests from the Byzantine Catholic diocese should be allowed to marry; as was the Byzantine tradition. Something about the Bishop’s death always has bothered me.
    In any case, celibacy in my mind, is a state one chooses, or is a state entered into as life’s circumstances unfold. There are times(believe me) when a person doesn’t even think about sex.
    But when authorities from outside a person dictate no sex – as has been the case in the Roman Catholic church – there has to be a backlash. It is human nature to be sexually inclined and thus, the Roman Catholic church has forced thousands upon thousands of human beings to sublimate a basic human instinct. And that celibate dictate is what has caused all these “sins.” And now we will see just how far reaching this dictum has “worked.”
    In my mind, asking people who purport to serve God to be celibate is a perversion of human nature.
    My view on this is supported by all this crap about the rapes of deaf kids, and now nuns.
    This isn’t God doing this, its the Catholic Church.
    What penance will they do for their sins and crimes against human kind?
    What penance will they pay for thousands starving to death because if they are “good” Catholics they won’t use birth control?
    Think about the millions born in Central and South America under the thrall of the Catholic religion because it’s against your religion to use birth control!
    Who are they to preach abstinence, or no birth control, or that gays are the scourge of the earth to the rest of the world? These jerks have never had their own dicks under control. That is the hypocrisy. Mea Culpa.
    The anniversary of the Christ being risen occurs in a few days.
    And for once in my lifetime, I can see this being celebrated outside of the Catholic Church.
    Well, at least in my life it will be.

  2. Eileen says:

    Just am leaving this comment because the Pope appears to be wearing eyeliner and mascara in the caption photo. I have no problem with people who admit they are gay – just those who lie about it and pretend they are “straight.” Whatever that is.

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