How Much of Cryptogon Has Google Disappeared?

October 29th, 2007

Over the past few months, I’ve noticed that Google has been dropping Cryptogon material from their index. I’ve also noticed fewer referrals from Google searches.

Google is a particularly evil organization, but, for a long time, search worked well (unless you happened to be in China).

Not anymore. Well, not for people looking for information on Cryptogon.

Say, for example, that you wanted to find the Cryptogon page that contained the phrase:

“kicks evil people in the nuts”

Woops. It’s not there, according to Google.

I remembered that phrase, so I knew it was on my site… Somewhere. Luckily, the WordPress search engine doesn’t forget. Neither does Dogpile metasearch, which has the Cryptogon page in question indexed properly. [UPDATE] Google indexed a recent story (“We’re Inching Dangerously Close to the Point Where Consumers Run for the Hills”) that contains the phrase “kicks evil people in the nuts,” but not the original article from which the quote was taken (MEXICO GAS LINE EXPLOSIONS FORCE MAJOR FACTORIES TO CLOSE DOWN).

Maybe you wanted to find the Cryptogon story that contained the phrase:

“Heavy on the PSYOP”

Woops. Google doesn’t like that one either.

Of course, the Cryptogon story is here. Dogpile metasearch reveals “Heavy on the PSYOP” indexed properly in three other search engines, but not on Google. Ironically, Google indexed the story on a different website, but not on mine.

I could go on, but you get the point.

I suppose that it’s just a coincidence that Google previously refused to take paid advertising from me because of my anti fascist perspective and now some amount of Cryptogon’s content is missing from their index.

I’d really like to know what other information Google is disappearing and who or what draws up the tasking list for their memory hole operations.

4 Responses to “How Much of Cryptogon Has Google Disappeared?”

  1. Loveandlight says:

    Another search engine those seeking alternatives to Google might try is Clusty.

  2. remrof says:

    google is sick, but on the bright side, you can take it as a compliment. congrats, you’ve been censored!

  3. high_life says:

    What other tools exist that work like Google Desktop? It is reviewing everything I look at and then bringing me more articles…It tells me when things change in the Wikipedia…I cannot tell if Google is entirely evil, this desktop thing sometimes seem to be talking to me…Could they be censoring you for your own protection? is that a too ridiculous claim?

  4. Laurel says:

    Hi, Well, google seems to be disapparing a lot of stuff and we have been keeping track of it for awhile at We even started archiving news (which is how was born) because so much was being scrubbed. It was shocking. And of course, because we are archiving a lot of stuff that was supposed to disappar, WE have to disappear too.

    We’ve learned a few things, though, the main one being that you have to have friends on the net who link to you and you link back, and you re-post each other’s stuff freely (if it fits your format), or link to it and/or comment on it. That way, even if google tries to disappear you, there are still enough traces and links for people to find you – and if there are REALLY a lot of comments and links, it makes google look really stupid. After all, it got to be so big by being the “big bananan” of finding things on the net. Google won’t survive if more people become aware of the fact that they CAN’T find stuff on the net they are looking for.

    If you go to and use the special database search function and type in “intitle: google” you will get 80 returns at the moment. Among those are such interesting items as:

    Google: Disabling the Politically Incorrect

    Media Manipulation: Users Mistakenly Trust Higher Positioned Results in Google Searches

    Google seeks to replace our minds

    Google is watching you – and soon your DNA as well

    US Congress questions Google over maps whitewashing Katrina damage (Who DOES Google Really Serve?)

    Google-ized – An Interview with Computer Guru Adam Engel

    Uruknet Cut Off From Google News. A Call For Action!

    Abovetopsecret: Ethics and Google Bombs

    Anyway, there are methods to deal with google and its censorship, but it takes a network of friendly souls/sites.

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