And Now… United Nations to Appoint Earth Contact for Aliens

September 27th, 2010

Update: Hoax?

Via: Guardian:

The Royal Society knew nothing about it. The United Nations referred all queries to the switchboard of Unoosa in Vienna. Its switchboard number wasn’t much help. “The person at extension 4951 is unavailable, please leave your message after the tone,” it said. Those messages might make for some interesting listening today.

Finally an email from Othman herself would have prompted our Martian to trudge back to his spaceship. “It sounds really cool but I have to deny it,” she said of the story. She will be attending a conference next week, but she’ll be talking about how the world deals with “near-Earth objects”.

—End Update—

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Via: Herald Sun:

THE United Nations was set today to appoint a Malaysian astrophysicist to act as Earth’s first contact for any aliens that may come visiting.

Mazlan Othman, the head of the UN’s little-known Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), is to describe her potential new role next week at a scientific conference at the Royal Society’s Kavli conference centre in Buckinghamshire.

She is scheduled to tell delegates that the recent discovery of hundreds of planets around other stars has made the detection of extraterrestrial life more likely than ever before – and that means the UN must be ready to coordinate humanity’s response to any “first contact”.

Professor Richard Crowther, an expert in space law and governance at the UK Space Agency and who leads British delegations to the UN on such matters, said: “Othman is absolutely the nearest thing we have to a ‘take me to your leader’ person.”

Research Credit: teran

9 Responses to “And Now… United Nations to Appoint Earth Contact for Aliens”

  1. Eileen says:

    That the UN is even acknowledging the alien presence is a hoot. So is their establishing this woman as the primary contact.
    Double hoot. Like an alien is going to recognize that title when they make themselves visible?
    Give me a break.
    Somethings going down re the alien presence. It seems I’ve read it too many places of late that “they” are going be showing up any day now. The very idea that the UN has created an ambassador chills me to the bone.
    Looks like you’ve got all the categories covered Kevin.
    Something’s up when the UN is managing a message about aliens approaching. Yes, I think a hug vehicle, like in the movies, might be parking itself over Tampa right about around the elections. And No, I don’t think its going to be full of aliens but will be just another way that the 10 percent of the people who control 80% of the worlds wealth are going to try to FREAK OUT human beings. Its not going to be aliens. Its going to be Dick Cheney and Georgie Porgie II behind the controls.
    Yes, I found myself hiding under the shrubbery tonight when I heard a helicopter about to fly over (live near a hospital).
    Don’t get me wrong, I believe in the alien presence. But these guys are getting ready to use a staged game, just like 9-11, to totally freak-out-a-soid every human on the planet. At least I think so.
    Why else gear up with a UN representative? You’ve got to be kidding.
    Like an alien would CARE if they went to the UN first!
    This is SO TRANSPARENT. Save yourselves some fright come November 8-12. Consider it an early Halloween and laugh your ass off.

  2. Eileen says:

    OOpsa. This will be a LATE Halloween trick or treat. Halloween in the US is October. Anways, hide a watch. THE ALIENS just may be approaching!

  3. dt says:

    This is weird. I took it as granted that a staged alien scenario was seriously studied by the Psychological Strategy Board, and its ilk, back in the fifties. I also assumed it was just *too* risky, hence the Islamic terror threat, etcetera.

    I guess they’re taking soundings – ‘they’ being whoever is responsible for NSC PSYOP these days. Ping the mass population with aliens stories, raise it in the public consciousness, then gauge individual reaction with focus groups and surveys.

    If people actually believe this ***t we can expect more of the same. If not – on to the next scenario.

    Though something about the UFO narrative says ‘desperate last throw of the dice’.

    Imagine if two centuries of Anglo-Saxon dominance came to and end with an embarrassingly bad ‘alien invasion’ movie, followed by global public disbelief.

  4. pookie says:

    The whole freakin’ world financial system is coming down, and They know it. Why not distract the sheeple with some holographic aliens as a way to deflect the impoverished and angry Useless Eaters from coming after Them? The sheeple are stupid enough, gawd knows.

  5. cryingfreeman says:

    They got away with the moon landings, they got away with 9-11, so it’s only to be expected that they’ll feel they can get away with “disclosure”.

    I can see it now, with the nukes flying, a sudden and grave announcement from the UN: “The grand question has finally been answered. We are not alone in the universe. Now, let’s have a world government to address this threat / let’s have a world government because that’s what these benevolent higher beings say is the only way to avoid destroying our race”.

    So, let me see. Global economic mayhem brings on massive social unrest, in the middle of this we get 9-11 V.2.0 (a mushroom cloud over some US city, most likely), Iran / Syria / N Korea gets the blame, pre-emptive nuclear war is “morally mandated” as a result, the west is locked down and dissidents are carted off to their Main Core processing centers, the nukes fly and then ET is “disclosed”.

  6. Maslan othman, the head of the UN’s little-known Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), is to describe…

    NOW, does it smell?

  7. apethought says:

    Everyone calm down. Turns out the story is bogus:

    Or it was a psy-op/testing the public, but either way I don’t think we’re going to see the false flag UFO any time soon. That kind of action is an order of magnitude beyond 9/11 and I don’t think the elites want/need to do something that risky.

  8. Eileen says:

    @apethought and Kevin,
    If this is a hoax, why would the Herald in Australia publish such an article?
    It doesn’t cite an author, and I don’t know whether the Herald Sun is a tabloid or what?
    So maybe all of us responding here to this article have just “told” the PTB that NO, this is a stupid idea. Floating a fake UFO to gain control of the planet.
    Certainly hope you numbnut PTB finally get how freaking transparent you are. You are running around with no clothes on anymore. Yes, there is intelligent life on planet earth and we are onto your utterly moronic, transparently stupid, last gasp death power games. Go live in a yellow submarine somewhere. You are underwater anyways in your thoughts and emotions.
    While under water is still the earth, please GO AWAY so that the people who live on its surface who DON”T feel the need to make other people bleed can do what they will to make the most of the time we have here on earth. GO AWAY.

  9. oelsen says:

    Make noise, distract citizens.

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