Austrian Company Debuts Revolutionary Wingless Aircraft

June 24th, 2011

Via: PhysOrg:

A firm from Austria, Austrian Innovative Aeronautical Technology (IAT21) has unveiled a new type of aircraft that flies without wings or rotors, at the Paris Air Show. Though not actually flown at the show, spokesmen for the new aircraft, named D-Dalus (no doubt after the tragic Greek figure Daedalus, who lost his son Icarus when his wings melted as he flew too close to the sun) claim the aircraft is capable of both hovering and flying forward as fast as a jet, all with very little noise.

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2 Responses to “Austrian Company Debuts Revolutionary Wingless Aircraft”

  1. pessimistic optimist says:

    this makes me cringe whenever i think of the excitement i had in childhood regarding space exploration and my new understanding of nasa/nazi R&D. so somebody chose Austria for the commercialization of this UFO tech looks like…

    maybe they will have the governator do the first test flights? lol

  2. Kevin says:

    maybe they will have the governator do the first test flights?

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