FOIA’d Documents Raise New Questions About Airport Body Scanner Radiation Risks

June 27th, 2011

Cancer clusters…

Via: Electronic Privacy Information Center:

In a FOIA lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security, EPIC has just obtained documents concerning the radiation risks of TSA’s airport body scanner program. The documents include agency emails, radiation studies, memoranda of agreement concerning radiation testing programs, and results of some radiation tests. One document set reveals that even after TSA employees identified cancer clusters possibly linked to radiation exposure, the agency failed to issue employees dosimeters – safety devices that could assess the level of radiation exposure. Another document indicates that the DHS mischaracterized the findings of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, stating that NIST “affirmed the safety” of full body scanners. The documents obtained by EPIC reveal that NIST disputed that characterization and stated that the Institute did not, in fact, test the devices. Also, a Johns Hopkins University study revealed that radiation zones around body scanners could exceed the “General Public Dose Limit.” For more information, see EPIC: EPIC v. Department of Homeland Security – Full Body Scanner Radiation Risks and EPIC: EPIC v. DHS (Suspension of Body Scanner Program).

Research Credit: EO

One Response to “FOIA’d Documents Raise New Questions About Airport Body Scanner Radiation Risks”

  1. Eileen says:

    Gawdess bless, the scanners were off when I went on my trip last week.
    I was all ready (!) to decline the scan per doctor’s orders ( Dr. Mercola).
    REMINDER: people have been sent to jail for selling medical devices, e.g. Rife machines, because they were not approved by the FDA for their safety re humans.
    Janet Napoleon (intentional mispelll) needs a whole body detox (e.g.enema) from all kinds of machines not approved by the FDA to dislodge her cramium from her um, sphicnter area.
    You and your whole operation, Dear Janet, are an embarrassment to this nation of people, who formerly thought themselves free people, until you and your predessessor Chertoff, decided that anyone who wanted to fly on a plane was a criminal.
    Have you given any thought as to how your feeling, groping, scanning, etc. is affecting the airline industry and the thousands or (millions) in any country? Thought not.
    You and Chertoff both belong in jail in my NOT-HO. You are traitors to the American principles and its Constitution.
    “Freedom from search and seizure.”
    Hey Janet, you are supporting the exact opposite.
    Get a grip girlfriend.
    There’s a war crime tribunal just chomping at the bit to send you to jail. Do not pass go.
    You are authorizing unconstitutional acts. And for that, you could go to jail?
    Get it yet?
    Don’t like to see anyone go to jail.
    But if you aren’t prosecuted, I know you have just created such bad karma for yourself.
    I imagine you waltzing with Hitler. And you wondering, how did I get here?
    Get a grip on yourself Janet, you don’t want to go down the road you are following now. Bad juju, bad karma, bad news for you all the way around.
    My advice to you: stop supporting the back scanner machines because in supporting these machines you are the most ridiculous hyprocrite. Also, go into therapy for your paranoid schizophrenia or delunsional fantasy life.
    I’m here to tell you Janet, every single person who flies on a plane is NOT A TERRORIST. You are on some kind of DRUG if you think so. I don’t care how much money you make as an SES in federal service, you have NO AUTHORITY UNDER LAW to SUBJECT US CITIZENS to search and seizure. Blow me down, as Popeye would say, if you can prove it otherwise.
    Will be interesting to see whether there will be a record somewhere of your atrociticies. Dear Janet, I’d give some thought as to how you want to go down in history.
    Think about it. Right now, your story puts you in league with the uh, former German experimentalists.

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