U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Intentionally Flooded Farmland, Now Offering to Buy It

June 28th, 2011

Via: KMBC:

Some river bottom property owners say they received a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers’ Kansas City district office asking them if they want to sell their land.

KMBC’s Micheal Mahoney reported that the letter is angering some of the people who received it because some of them are fighting for their land from a flood they believe the Corps caused.

Kneuvean said this may be a case of the right hand not knowing what the left was doing. But Mahoney reported that some people believe the Corps deliberately released massive amounts of water in hopes of driving down the sales price on flooded ground.

“We’d never tie the two together. This has nothing to do with the Missouri River ecosystem,” Kneuvean said.

2 Responses to “U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Intentionally Flooded Farmland, Now Offering to Buy It”

  1. Eileen says:

    So, what interest does the Army Corps of Engineer’s have in this land now that they’ve intentionally flooded it?
    Hey Sherlock, ever hear of the NAFTA Super highway?
    These “engineers” ought to be put in jail for crimes against humanity. Flood my house, my home, my property “because you chose to ruin it” and then offer to buy it? What the fluck is this all about? What’s this Army Corps of Engineers all about? Yeah, well I’ve been thinking on that for awhile, and this “Army” is on a mission to destroy and then claim for themselves, for some nefarious purpose, this land for some greater (I wish I could say greater good) evil purpose.
    You don’t (!)flood peoples land and then offer to buy it(!) when you have GOOD INTENTIONS in heart and mind. Fer crying out LOUD!
    MUCH IS WRONG!!!!!!!
    If I were asked to sell my land after the Army Corp intentionally flooded it, I’d have a few things to say (if you can imagine). The first would be to say SCREW YOU IGNORAMUS and then I’d add a few more words that would have to be blipped out.
    This isn’t my situation but goddess forbid these “armies” of morons send a disaster on me and then offer to buy me out!!! God forbid that I’d have to get out the Havaheart traps, the BB gun, or the Rueger.
    I believe this is TERRIBLY WRONG. If anyone reading this has a friend in this situation, please tell them, JUST SAY NO to these mouths that appear to be attached to human bodies. They cannot be humans with feeling hearts to be doing this.
    Someone told me last week – don’t ever go to work for the Corp of Engineers.
    Corrupt. Rife Fraud. You don’t even want to know.
    Millions upon millions of FRAUD.
    Seems to me that this loosey-goosey environment has made the Army Corps a target so to enact orders from the ranks above.
    To follow orders to flood, then buy? An EVIL DEVIL has made its way into the CHAIN OF COMMAND in an organization with WEAK or NONEXISTENT internal controls.
    I can’t believe my eyesight on this one. Before my eyes, a US government organization has been infiltrated because it is the weakest link. Few if ANY internal controls; weak chain of command – who do we hold responsible? Hard to say! Someone, could it be, Dirk Cheneyck is pulling the levers on this operation?
    And hey Army Corp personnel, if you don’t want to become the DEVIL in all of this BS you better go find some place to blow the whistle on all of this crap. I hope you find the guts to do so. Right now your organization seems to me like a bunch of nincompoops who shoot first and then think about it (maybe in another lifetime) later. Your reputation (that I learned of this week) smells worse than an unturned compsost pile on a bright, dry, sunny day. You STINK!
    Please. Anybody out there, send someone a Bone! We love to catch the lying, stealing bastards in the act of their crime.

  2. lagavulin says:

    A little known fact is that the US Army Corp of Engineers is one of the largest land-owning entities in the US. They routinely employ eminent domain to gobble-up privately held properties for any of a wide range of “public” works such as flood control damming, erosion control reconstruction, etc.

    If they wanted the above-mentioned properties, they’d likely get them without too much fuss. I doubt they’d need to resort to cheap tricks. But I might be wrong…

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