Irene: Utilities Bracing for Widespread Power Outages

August 26th, 2011

Via: AP:

Hurricane Irene’s strong winds and heavy rains threaten to deliver long-lasting power outages to millions of customers along the East Coast, utility officials and weather forecasters say.

An unusually large number of people may be affected by Irene because it is forecast to stay just offshore — and thus retain much of its power — as it inches up the coast from North Carolina to New England. When a hurricane hits land, it quickly loses steam.

High winds are the biggest threat to utility wires and poles. Recent heavy rains in the region have made trees even more vulnerable to toppling over. Flooding can cause problems for power plants, which are often located near rivers or other bodies of water.

The path and strength of the storm is still uncertain. However, utilities are preparing for the possibility that outages will be widespread and lengthy.

One Response to “Irene: Utilities Bracing for Widespread Power Outages”

  1. Druff says:

    I’d be happy to live-blog this event from my neighborhood bar in DC. Be forewarned, however, that it will only be marginally on topic or informative.

    So everyone is freaking out but it’s just plain raining. Been plain raining all day. A little wind. The bar is emptier than it should be although still no pool tables free. Easy to get a beer though: a plus. Did hear from a twittering friend that certain jurisdictions in other states had people calling for curfews and bar closures.

    I can i-report that the music has been good: old Nas, Cypress Hill…

    In DC, Druff, signing off.

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