Housing Crash on Oprah

November 25th, 2006

The only way I know anything about what happens on TV is when I chance across references to it online. So, if this is late, forgive me.

Oprah is helping FBs (f#@*&% buyers) sell their homes!

I managed to watch all of part one, and about one minute of part two before the twitching and convulsions began. But there are five parts to this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Is the housing crash story old? Are you sick of the topic being mentioned on Cryptogon? I, personally, don’t think it’s maintaining the right appearance for Cryptogon to be covering the same material as Oprah! And there are more bubble blogs out there than you can shake a stick at. The only reason I follow this is because it’s going to represent the largest financial boondoggle in the history of the world.


Via: Housing Panic

Posted in Economy | Top Of Page

10 Responses to “Housing Crash on Oprah”

  1. George Kenney says:

    Hi Kevin, I think the housing bubble is an important piece of the puzzle as the fiat currency, federal reserve, corporate government meme unwinds/self-destructs.

    The Housing Panic blog is one of the best as it has almost the quality and quantity of posting as cryptogon, if not the breadth.

    If you can occasionally find the best of the best postings from the housing bubble sites and add your unique perspective, I personally would be thrilled.

    One voice in the wilderness.


  2. Anonymous says:

    I concur with George.


  3. I don’t understand why these people are so upset. The guy said they bought the home for $455,000 in 2004 that it will sell for $600,000. That’s $150,000 profit in less than 3 years. Why all the tears and melodrama?

  4. Kevin says:

    Yep, they don’t meet the classic definition of a F-ed buyer (flipper who’s upside down on a deal), but they’re just a F-ed. While they’ll probably make money on the deal, their profligate lifestyle has brought them to the brink of ruin.

    They’re still in denial, actually. They’re not too desperate. They think they’re going to get out flat. Maybe. But probably not.

    You’ll know they’re through screwing around if they decide to sell outside the spread. That’s trader lingo for dumping stock you want to get rid of at a price below current market prices. It’s all the rage now with people selling homes. Real estate agents are coaching home sellers in this common day trading tactic. HAHA


  5. Anonymous says:

    you removed links to housing bubble and housing panic?

  6. Kevin says:

    I became exhausted with The Housing Panic guy’s crackpot pro Israel nonsense. Quote from http://housingpanic.blogspot.com/2006/11/iranian-president-declares-war-on.html :

    “Israel should launch a devastating attack tonight, supported by United States airpower.”

    WTF? That’s shit-for-brains talk right there.

    I don’t have any problem giving credit where credit is due. If I find a juicy bubble related post on there, I’ll credit him, but that’s it.

    The content on the bubble blogs seems pretty boring, overall. And they sure don’t need my help getting traffic. They’ve got Oprah on their side. HA! I’ll put the link back up to The Housing Bubble. That’s solid stuff.

  7. I wonder about the relation of the McMansions and surburbian box-cutter houses in relation to land further out {30 mile commute} with a house and room for chickens and a few ruminants, a pond some firewood and a windmill. Will these kind of places hold their value?

  8. Kevin says:

    Druid: Prices in some rural areas are rising, according to this:


    Makes sense, as some of those who choose to flee, cash out and move away from the cities. It’s happening here in NZ too. Becky and I didn’t care what happened to the value of our property, but it has gone way up since we bought it as “those city people” have started to get out. Again, not that we care, because we’re not playing games with our most strategic asset, our land. As prices go up, down or sideways, we’ll be here, out in the garden, or trying to milk the cows, or catch the goats… HA

  9. west says:

    Housingpanic dude does love to go off on bizarre tangents on foreign policy. I am amused by his rants on housing – but the open-source reporting he links is mirrored all over the place, and his foreign policy stuff indicates that he doesnt yet get the gravity of our predicament.

  10. Kevin says:

    His bubble related stuff is… funny. That’s why I liked to go there. His images are hilarious. I always got a laugh from them.

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