And Now… Precrime Red Spot Lights

January 25th, 2012

Via: AP:

The police department in the city of East Orange, New Jersey is installing red spotlights to remotely shine on those police believe are about to commit a crime.

2 Responses to “And Now… Precrime Red Spot Lights”

  1. Zenc says:

    Do you know how much fun those would be to shoot out? Just a nice wrist rocket slingshot and a bag of marbles… They likely wouldn’t even know til the stuff stopped working.

    Funny this guy should mention London, because they found all the cameras in London did little good to actually solve crimes there.

  2. pessimistic optimist says:

    wont these have the opposite effect? people would just keep going if they dont see the light, and walk away if they do. not to mention the psychological and physiological effects of the color red on primates, might have negative consequences for victims of crime, or some further sociological effects on the populaces relationships w/ camera tech and authority in general, association and stuff. literal “red light” districts.

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