Britain: Paratroopers Are Trained for Riot Control

January 29th, 2012

Via: Telegraph:

British troops are being trained in riot control tactics amid fears that violence and looting will return to Britain’s streets this summer.

Hundreds of soldiers from 3rd battalion The Parachute Regiment spent last week learning how to contain and arrest “rioters” in a series of exercises mirroring last summers violence.

Defence sources have confirmed that if violence were to return to British cities, especially during the Olympic Games, the Paras would be “ideally placed” to provide “short-term” support to police forces around the UK.

Such a request would have to be made by the Home Office and would have to have Prime Ministerial approval, according to the source.

Research Credit: luky

One Response to “Britain: Paratroopers Are Trained for Riot Control”

  1. AHuxley says:

    East Germany did that- they had trucks filled with troops and live ammo ready to roll out.
    The problem is the press – once you send out troops you have tank tracks on the roads and uniforms everywhere. Kind of hard to PR back away from that image. Troops usually have a few options – to scream at someone, to beat them hard with big sticks, gas them with something much stronger than tear gas or shoot them with live or plastic like ammo. Will some local flash mob that MI5 tracked on Facebook become web martyr footage? Tower blocks and zoom lens look like snipers or an rpg vcr video cam?
    Then you have the ammo question – will the mobile intensive care ambulances be allowed in to get protesters with brain injuries out? Or will Sally or John pass away as a “medic” works on them in sight of family and friends behind a wall of troops?Whats the local neurosurgeon count like? What to do with all the people you capture? Big new H-Blocks well away from the press and families? No press? No lawyers? Medical care? That 1 in 100 young blogger/video cam user with old or new family cash and a very good legal team? Got enough tame pathologist to ensure every “cause of death” is legally sound?
    Can all the outside experts be kept away?

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