Germans Get by Without the Euro

January 26th, 2007

Via: Telegraph:

If you live in the Bavarian region of Chiemgau, you can exist for months at a time in a euro-free zone of hills and lakes with a population of half a million people. Restaurants, bakeries, hairdressers and a network of supermarkets will accept the local currency: the Chiemgauer.

Notes are exchanged freely like legal tender. You can even use a debit card. Petrol stations are still a problem, but biofuel outlets are signing up. Dentists are next.

The Chiemgauer is one of 16 regional currencies that have sprung into existence across Germany and Austria since the launch of the euro five years ago.

Another 49 regios are in the pipeline. They are outside the control of the political authorities, mostly run by activists, farmers, eco-enthusiasts, anti-globalists, and citizen committees.

Some are rural, others circulate like underground money in Berlin and Bremen. Hamburg has two: the Alto and the Hansemark. Italy has its version in the Valchius Valley, in the Alps.

The phenomenon, not seen since the Great Depression, has left experts scratching heads at the Bundesbank. The mighty reserve bank, which issues euro notes and coins worth €146bn for a third of the eurozone economy, is relaxed about the risk of monetary anarchy. But it is sufficiently puzzled to publish a 63-page report probing the eruption of this movement.

2 Responses to “Germans Get by Without the Euro”

  1. west says:

    This is amazing. I’d think the hammer would have come down by now.

  2. David says:

    If monopoly control of the world’s currencies by the few = tyranny and enslavement for the masses, it stands to reason that the democratization of fiat currency creation and control = freedom and autonomy for the multitude.

    I believe this is the ONLY solution that will lead to a dearth, and subsequent death, of the control currently exerted by the human tapeworms

    parasitizing the entire planet and its every inhabitant.

    I’ll let Ms. Fitts, an extremely intelligent former tapeworm who underwent a metamorphosis to become an altruistic butterfly, elucidate:


    While Ms. Fitt’s Solari setup would not end clan-centered resource wars, it would make them far less destructive than the World Wars humanity has already endured, and, unfortunately, will be forced to endure (at least 1 more) again.

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