Facebook Wants You To Snitch on Friends Using Pseudonyms

September 22nd, 2012

Via: Paul Bernal’s Blog:

A story about Facebook went around twitter last night that provoked quite a reaction in privacy advocates like me: Facebook, it seems, is experimenting with getting people to ‘snitch’ on any of their friends who don’t use their real names. Take a look at this…

2 Responses to “Facebook Wants You To Snitch on Friends Using Pseudonyms”

  1. RobertS says:

    lol… At the risk of being blocked from Cryptogon forever, I admit I have 1 semi-real and 4 sock puppet accounts at FB. I shamefully play one of the games that encourages sock puppetry, so me and most of my 800+ ‘friends’ all have fake accounts.

    I’ve never understood why people have such a hard time with their consciences setting up a fake account. I look upon it as being in the belly of the beast, and all rules and normal morals are to be set aside. As Zukerman famously declared early on “They’re fucking idiots, the trust me!”, with that kind of attitude, I actually don’t understand why anybody could care what FB wants.

    In defense of my actions I submit, that some/many of you prepare for the end by fleeing the US or building shelters of one sort or another. If I were 30 years younger, and had a little money I would do that too. I encourage all young people I know to get off of this sinking ship. But, those options are pretty much out for me, so I play a FB game, as I watch the end get nearer, and nearer.

  2. Kevin says:

    I don’t know why you think you’d get blocked. I don’t run any widgets that link user activity on Cryptogon to the Cryptogon Facebook page. I just recently started posting copies of posts to the Cryptogon Facebook thing but I don’t use Facebook’s plugin to do it.

    Anyway, I created a fake Facebook account awhile ago too so that I could see what family members were up to, and my brother in law, for example, sent a message saying, “Sorry, mate, I don’t think I know you.” haha. This was before I knew how Facebook worked at all.

    I’ve been on that thing for a few months now and I just don’t understand the popularity of it. It reminds me of people who used to use AOL years after better ways of accessing the Internet were available. And Facebook is one of the top traffic referrers to Cryptogon!???!? Oh well and so it goes.

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