Major Banks Hit with Biggest Cyberattacks in History

September 27th, 2012

Via: CNN:

Since Sept. 19, the websites of Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank and PNC Bank have all suffered day-long slowdowns and been sporadically unreachable for many customers. The attackers, who took aim at Bank of America first, went after their targets in sequence. Thursday’s victim, PNC’s website, was inaccessible at the time this article was published.

Security experts say the outages stem from one of the biggest cyberattacks they’ve ever seen. These “denial of service” attacks — huge amounts of traffic directed at a website to make it crash — were the largest ever recorded by a wide margin, according to two researchers.

Banks get hit by cyberattackers all the time and typically have some of the best defenses against them. This time, they were outgunned.

“The volume of traffic sent to these sites is frankly unprecedented,” said Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder of CrowdStrike, a security firm that has been investigating the attacks. “It’s 10 to 20 times the volume that we normally see, and twice the previous record for a denial of service attack.”

One Response to “Major Banks Hit with Biggest Cyberattacks in History”

  1. Eileen says:

    Would this have anything to do with BeBe Netanyahoo speaking in fromt of the U.N. and lying his flucking face off about Iran?
    This war monger (I think at least) can’t get erect unless he is thinking about Iran. Its truly sad. Sad. Sad. So what if Iran is developing a nuclear weapon? So flucking what?
    Join the CLUB of BOMB-DA-WORLD club in the EAST- Isreal,Pakistan, India, China, etc, etc, etc, Why didn’t BeBE rattle sabers over them there peoples?
    There is something truly sick about this man, and I think the hack on PNC – which is the bank of Woody Allen – is, at least in my mind at statement to Israel and all these freakin warmongers – put fired up ass in a bucket of ice water.

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