Congress, at Last Minute, Drops Requirement to Obtain Warrant to Monitor Email

December 26th, 2012

Via: AllGov:

The federal government will continue to access Americans’ emails without a warrant, after the U.S. Senate dropped a key amendment to legislation now headed to the White House for approval.

More: Congress Defeats E-Mail Privacy Legislation — Again

4 Responses to “Congress, at Last Minute, Drops Requirement to Obtain Warrant to Monitor Email”

  1. Larry Glick says:

    And you expected anyone to be surprised at this?

  2. LoneWolf says:

    The globalists have conquered our governments, now they want to conquer the people.

    Will 2013 be remembered by future historians as the year that the United States of America to all intents and purposes died as a Republic and was finally seized by authoritarian globalists who have already openly usurped governments all across Europe?

    A brief foray into the events that shaped 2012 sends the clear signal that America stands on the precipice of total collapse unless the full frontal assault on everything that characterizes the bedrock of the U.S. is reversed.

    The globalists have already conquered every major government in the west and have fully implemented their draconian policies in a uniform fashion. 2013 will likely be the benchmark for when those policies were truly visited upon the peoples of those nations and the consequences laid bare for all to see.

    The liberties that many Americans still cherish and the freedoms they exercise are not compatible with the despotic system that the global elite has in store for the United States.

    Among the depressing list on the website:

    NSA Spying No Longer a Secret

    NSA whistleblower William Binney recently revealed that the FBI and other federal agencies record and store the emails of all American citizens.

    Binney also warned that the National Security Agency is storing all electronic communications and analyzing them in real time, adding that the federal agency has a Google-style capability to search all conversations for keywords.

    Since 2008, the NSA has had the legal power to intercept all phone calls, emails and text messages sent by American citizens without probable cause. However, although long suspected, the agency has never admitted that it is analyzing the content of such messages, conceding only that persons, dates and locations are part of the snooping process.

    However, in a sworn declaration to the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, Binney, a former NSA employee with the signals intelligence agency within the DoD, divulged that the federal agency, “has the capability to do individualized searches, similar to Google, for particular electronic communications in real time through such criteria as target addresses, locations, countries and phone numbers, as well as watch-listed names, keywords, and phrases in email.”

    Will 2013 mark the year that the 4th amendment was enforced to scale back widespread eavesdropping on the American people, or will mass surveillance continue to grow and metastasize?

  3. steve holmes says:

    LoneWolf, you bring up some good points which I have also considered. My conclusion is that the USA became part of a larger “world government” at an undefined point probably around 20 years ago and what we see now of our republic is only smoke, mirrors and denial. We are so far gone that what is happening is simply “gutting the corpse.” I say that because it’s obvious to me that it’s too late to fight back. We are going where the “elite” drag us and they are already in complete control.
    An unrelated personal observation:
    Somewhere between the crazy extremes of “optimist” and “pessimist” is the ever-changing viewpoint of “realist.” That view point is not going to get better anytime soon. Having accuracy in perceiving/sensing the present state of reality is painful and time consuming.

    The absolute best information I have found anywhere on who is running our government is found here:
    Earlier information is documented in Eustace Mullins seminal work, “The World Order” which is found elsewhere on the web. By the time I read both, it was clear to me that we are in a world of hurt and there is noplace to run and hide.

  4. LoneWolf says:

    Thank you Steve.

    Will check out the wikispook site.

    Eustace Mullins! One of my all time favorite researchers. So far ahead of his time. He actually died very close to where I live. His funeral home Guest Book is here:

    My entry:

    Thank you Eustace for waking me up! I started collecting your books and videos last year. Only to find you are one of the greatest historians of the 20th century United States. Brother, the spark you started decades ago is growing into an amazing blaze of Truth the likes of which has the ability to metamorphosize into a dream originally envisioned by our founding fathers. Down with The World Order!

    So say we all …

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