Head for the Hills – The New Survivalists

November 27th, 2006

Great article! You guys will love this:

Via: Energy Bulletin:

Sober and serious, McReady is part of a new wave of survivalists making plans for big trouble. Whereas once it was nuclear holocaust, big-government paranoia or religious rapture that motivated such people, now it is more likely to be climate change, energy shortages and economic collapse. This story is not about whether what they think is true, but more about the social phenomena of what they’re doing about it. Most never discuss their beliefs with friends and colleagues because they’re frightened of ridicule. But they are getting ready for a world morphed into “Argentina on a very bad day” or plunged into a never-ending depression, or famine, or, worst-case scenario, Mad Max IV and the die-off of billions of people.

Research Credit: idleworm

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3 Responses to “Head for the Hills – The New Survivalists”

  1. west says:

    actually, a nicely done article. good job to the writer.

  2. This is hardly laughable anymore. There are so many things going wrong that the odds of this “scenario” are increasing all of the time.

    It is the failure to make plans and preparations that is entirely laughable, because it reveals faith in a system that is provably broken (beyond repair).

    Overshoot is a serious issue that will, all by itself, result in catacalysmic changes for the world’s survivors (inheritors). Climate change has all kinds of negative conotations that have yet to be fully realized. Widespread species destruction, desertification, drought, forest destruction, depleted fisheries, ozone holes, glacial melting, pollution, soil acidification, these issues have yet to fully impact themselves upon human society – but they will.

    I’ve been documenting some of these on my blog, and there ain’t nobody laughin’.

  3. brothershamus says:

    Wondering when the S#!T will go down. Sometimes it seems like tomorrow, and sometimes it seems like in 50 years. It’s easy to get caught up in the anxiety bubble. I got snagged by the 2000 changeover and by one of the meterorite strikes (2004-5?), don’t want to panic but I have my stash of food just in case.

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