Hundreds Dead in Apparent Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria

August 21st, 2013

Via: BBC:

Chemical weapons attacks have killed hundreds on the outskirts of Damascus, Syrian opposition activists say.

Rockets with toxic agents were launched at the suburbs of the Ghouta region early on Wednesday as part of a major bombardment on rebel forces, they say.

State-run news agency Sana said the claims were “baseless” and an attempt to distract UN weapons inspectors.

The main opposition alliance said that more than 650 people had been killed by the attacks.

Activist networks also reported death tolls in the hundreds, but these could not be independently confirmed.

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague called for the Syrian government “to allow immediate access to the area” for the investigators and said that Britain would raise the issue at the UN.

If confirmed, the attacks would mark a “shocking escalation in the use of chemical weapons in Syria”, Mr Hague said.

The Arab League echoed the call for the inspectors to go to the site, AFP reports.

The attack took place as part of a heavy government bombardment of the region surrounding Damascus, where government forces have been trying to drive out rebel forces.

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