New Addition to Our Family: Baby Girl

September 14th, 2013

Update: Niamh

Her name is Niamh Katherine Flaherty. Niamh is an Irish name and, depending on who you ask, it’s pronounced Neev or Ne-uv. We say Neev.

Niamh was our first choice all along, but we didn’t like the anglicised spellings of it, and we were wondering how difficult it would be for her to have a name like Niamh outside of Ireland.

We will be homeschooling her so she will be spared teachers calling out, “Ny-am” at roll call, etc.

If she winds up thinking Niamh is too weird of a name, I can console her by telling her that I thought Saoirse (sear-sha) and Arwen were pretty cool too. 😉

Our daughter was born yesterday afternoon (NZ time) at home. I helped to deliver her because Becky’s labor was very fast! Our midwife was only about a half hour away, but by the time she got here, our baby had been born.

Niamh Katherine Flaherty

Niamh Katherine Flaherty

Mum and baby are doing great. *phew*

We would like to tell you her name, but we haven’t decided on one yet.

16 Responses to “New Addition to Our Family: Baby Girl”

  1. alvinroast says:

    Congratulations! I’m glad they’re both doing well. Best news I’ve seen in a while.

  2. dale says:

    Fast is best – a warm congratulations to you both (and Baby Girl Flaherty)

  3. Slartibardfast says:


  4. brandon says:

    Did you get a permit for that? lol

  5. RobertS says:


  6. williamspd says:

    Brilliant! I spent today with Frankie and loved every minute of whatever we did together. I wish you all many years of wonderful times together 🙂

  7. steve holmes says:

    Congrats on “Nonamee!” Glad everything worked out well.

  8. anothershamus says:


  9. pookie says:

    Challenge to the ‘goners, for kicks: come up with a girl’s name with ‘goner cred. My suggestion: Joan (“Joanie”) — the brilliant hacker (the “Queen of Codes”) who saved the day for freedom-loving individualists in Vin Suprynowicz’s 2005 novel “The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Resistance”. I assigned it to the lucky little shits taking my lit class at the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2006.

  10. djc says:

    Well done, hope all is well with you, Backy & the little one. You probably already know about it but if not check out “Dunstan Baby Language” – the DVD is really helpful.

  11. Dennis says:

    +1 re. Pookie’s suggestion.

    Congrat’s to you and Becky 🙂

  12. dale says:

    My favorite is still Babygirl Flaherty.

  13. Calm says:



  14. tito says:

    Congratulations and may God bless your family!

  15. cryingfreeman says:

    Wow, you kept that quiet! And congratulations!

  16. frosty says:

    Just back in range of the Web, read the post…. delighted for you both; Delivering your own child is HUGE experience…. I’m sending my best wishes…. Henry B
    p.s. Pookie … Your amazing !

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