China Fakes Reports from Space

September 27th, 2008

Via: Telegraph:

China’s state news agency published a despatch from the country’s three latest astronauts describing their first night in space before they had even left Earth.

The Xinhua agency, which has sometimes been accused of carrying state propaganda, took down the story and blamed it on a “technical error”.

The article described the Shenzhou VII space craft orbiting the Earth and outlined a conversation between the astronauts.

One Response to “China Fakes Reports from Space”

  1. tm says:

    This reminds me of the movie Capricorn One. It was made back in the 70s and was about a fake NASA mission to Mars. The astronauts were filmed landing out in a remote desert, with the television audience told they were landing on the red planet. The crew were duped into going along with the fraud, but discovered that they were to be killed in order to preserve the hoax. Only one of them survived to tell the tale.

    I predict China will stage a hoax mission to the moon one of these days, and all the people inside their space agency that know the truth will be sent to one of the PRC’s involuntary organ donor centers to be permanently censored.

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