Association of Statin Exposure With Histologically Confirmed Idiopathic Inflammatory Myositis in an Australian Population

August 3rd, 2018

Facebook link to cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson discussing this.

In other news: Doctor Payments Increased Drug Prescribing by 73%:

Drugmakers that pay for doctors’ meals get an outsize return on their investment, or a 73% increase in prescribing of their drug.

That was the conclusion of a new paper, which looked at cardiologists who were taken out to a meal by sales representatives of Pfizer PFE, +2.24% or AstraZeneca AZ, -0.16% The companies make two expensive branded cholesterol-lowering statins, Lipitor and Crestor.

Via: JAMA:

Question: What is the association between current exposure to statin medications and histologically confirmed idiopathic inflammatory myositis?

Findings: In this population-based case-control study of 221 patients with idiopathic inflammatory myositis and 662 age- and sex-matched controls, there was a statistically significant 79% increased likelihood of statin exposure in patients with idiopathic inflammatory myositis compared with controls.

Meaning: Given the increased use of statin medications worldwide and the severe adverse effects of idiopathic inflammatory myositis, increased awareness and recognition of this potentially rare adverse effect with statin exposure is needed.

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