Eating in 10-Hour Window Can Override Disease-Causing Genetic Defects, Nurture Health

August 31st, 2018

Via: Salk Institute:

Scientists at the Salk Institute found that mice lacking the biological clocks thought to be necessary for a healthy metabolism could still be protected against obesity and metabolic diseases by having their daily access to food restricted to a 10-hour window.

The work, which appeared in the journal Cell Metabolism on August 30, 2018, suggests that the health problems associated with disruptions to animals’ 24-hour rhythms of activity and rest—which in humans is linked to eating for most of the day or doing shift work—can be corrected by eating all calories within a 10-hour window.

“For many of us, the day begins with a cup of coffee first thing in the morning and ends with a bedtime snack 14 or 15 hours later,” says Satchidananda Panda, a professor in Salk’s Regulatory Biology Laboratory and the senior author of the new paper. “But restricting food intake to 10 hours a day, and fasting the rest, can lead to better health, regardless of our biological clock.”

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3 Responses to “Eating in 10-Hour Window Can Override Disease-Causing Genetic Defects, Nurture Health”

  1. djc says:

    Recently Jesse (the establishment man) Mulligan on Radio NZ interviewed a guy who was investigating the same thing and his recommendation was to restrict food intake between an 8 and 10 hour window. I’ve tried this & works well. A Japanese fellow won a Nobel Prize in 2016 for showing that after 16 hours of fasting the body’s cells initiate a self cleaning process.

  2. Dennis says:

    I do some form of this on most days. After initial discomfort due to skipping a meal, I began to feel a return to the energy levels of my childhood, teens and twenties. I wanted to know why so hunted around the internet for answers.

    This is simplifying things a bit but, apparently, given an active and healthy lifestyle and diet, kids metabolise oxygen, recover from exertion and burn fat more effectively than adults, with the notable exception of athletes who have shifted their metabolism towards fat-burning, and it seems that intermittent fasting and/or a lowered carb intake helps accomplish this shift over time.

    For best results, add physical activity!

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