Gender X [???]

November 29th, 2018

Dark Journalist: X Series

I don’t watch any TV. Is this what TV is like now?

Via: Hedgehog:

4 Responses to “Gender X [???]”

  1. dale says:

    cgroove69, as disturbing as that is, thanks for the link. Very creepy.

  2. Miraculix says:

    What freaks me out at this stage of life (52) is the frequency with which what was once derided as “conspiracy theory” continues to appear in the public eye a few years down the road — always dressed in sheep’s clothing, of course — and the collective social amnesia that accompanies the process.

    Is it just me, or is the rate picking up as well?

    Welcome to the Age of Acceleration.

    @Kevin : The “3:22” prominently placed atop the Post piece is definitely NOT a coincidence. In a world ruled by symbols & symbolism, it pays to keep one eye open at all times…

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