Open Thread: Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush Dead at 94

December 1st, 2018

Where does one even start?

I was going to write, “Christmas comes early to the world,” and leave it at that, but when I saw what the Washington Post had up on the front page, I almost couldn’t believe it.

Most people have absolutely no idea what the Bush criminal dynasty has been up to over the last several decades, just like they wouldn’t recognize the special significance of the number 322 appearing in a piece about a dead member of Skull and Bones.

Mention any of it, Skull and Bones, Prescott Bush, Zapata Oil, Mena, the covert and illegal arming Iraq… How many people would you have to talk to before you found anyone who knew anything about any of this?




I think that 322 at Operation Mockingbird Washington Post is them flipping us the bird and saying, “We got away with it. All of it.”

7 Responses to “Open Thread: Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush Dead at 94”

  1. cryingfreeman says:

    An incredibly evil man; these people live like they’re never going to die. But now he knows he hasn’t gotten away with it.

  2. dale says:

    Light up a candle for Gary Webb

  3. pookie says:

    George H. Scherff, Jr. = Operation Paperclip = 41

    Then, check out what this Rothschild writes (boasts, rather) in 2011 about the PTB and Nikola Tesla. It’s a long read, but fruitful:

  4. Miraculix says:

    …and the Mighty Wurlitzer plays on…

  5. NH says:

    Thanks for laying out that table of food for thought Pookie–that “Rothschild” or whoever he is sure assembled a lot of truth in one place during his years-long question and answer session. Some of the subjects for further pondering: natural law, as it pertains to elite belief and behavior–extent of competition between bloodlines–Rh negative blood—veracity and extent of alleged compassion some elites feel toward the herd–Nikola Tesla

  6. pookie says:

    @NH I don’t imagine that any “veracity” or revelations seemingly showing “alleged compassion” for us plebes coming from such elites as this Rothschild are anything other than an attempted obviation of guilt on their part for their willful actions leading to our enslavement. In short, they’ve given us “the reveal,” so we have only ourselves to blame for falling for their scam.

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