The Next Mandatory Vaccine Battleground: Homeschool Children

February 28th, 2019

Via: Vaccine Impact:

As we have frequently reported here at Health Impact News, legislative efforts are underway in many states to remove parental choice for childhood vaccines, with new proposed bills removing religious and philosophical exemptions to childhood vaccines which are mandated as a requirement for school attendance.

More: FDA Threatens to Demand Nationwide Vaccine Compliance; Ending All Exemptions and Forcing Children to be Vaccinated Against Their Will

Research Credit: Pookie

One Response to “The Next Mandatory Vaccine Battleground: Homeschool Children”

  1. Dennis says:

    In NZ, vaccination is encouraged but not compulsory. No problems with school attendance either way. So what’s happening here?

    !. Pharma wanting moar?
    2. An unhealthy PC obsession with safety twisted by ignorance and writ large in the diktats of State?
    3. Social conditioning prep for a vaccine-mediated means of decreasing the number of ‘useless eaters’?
    4. A means of identifying non-sheeple?
    5. Setting-up for mass-vax in case of the next big one? (In fear-hyped scenarios this would be equivalent to 1.)

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